This was reported by Tormod Volden <> to the debian BTS. "Trying to start an old q3demo, the X server crashed." Tormod had the following comment: "Playing around with gdb, I see that pScrn-currentMode has been set to NULL by xf86VidMode. If I manually set it to pScrn->modes: (gdb) set pScrn->currentMode = pScrn->modes the program will start and seems to run normally. AFAICS the problem is that xf86VidMode sets it intentionally to NULL before calling xf86SwitchMode, and that it's then used as a pointer by SavageDoAdjustFrame inside the xf86SwitchMode call." I'll attach the backtrace and gdb session he provided.
Created attachment 9950 [details] Xorg log
Created attachment 9951 [details] backtrace
Created attachment 9952 [details] gdb session
Created attachment 9953 [details] [review] set currentMode after switching, before adjusting frame (From The attached patch fixes (or works around) the problem by setting currentMode to the new mode as soon as the mode switching has occured, and before SavageAdjustFrame is called. There are probably better ways to fix this. It seems like the pScrn->frameX? adjustment is done in xf86SwitchMode as well, so maybe it could be taken out from SavageDoAdjustFrame which then would not need the currentMode.
fixed: 90692b3a123861ca02100f86b4c80f070fd4196d
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