Bug 12384 - Problem with gtk-window-decorator
Summary: Problem with gtk-window-decorator
Alias: None
Product: xorg
Classification: Unclassified
Component: App/compiz (show other bugs)
Version: git
Hardware: Other All
: medium normal
Assignee: David Reveman
QA Contact: Xorg Project Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-09-10 18:39 UTC by Luís Filipe Costa
Modified: 2009-02-06 19:50 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description Luís Filipe Costa 2007-09-10 18:39:57 UTC
After updating compiz to the latest git version as of today, I started noticing random bugs with the gtk-window-decorator. Parts of the title bar and/or left border become transparent. however, as you can see in the picture linked below, there is still color in the extremities. The occurrence of the bug is quite frequent. 
For the record, I am using compiz together with the opencompositing plugins, but I don't think the problem is being caused by any of them.

Demonstrative image: (please look at the left terminal)

This bug occurs on all (but no always) situations: open window, close window, scale, etc.

cheers, Luís Costa
Comment 1 Luís Filipe Costa 2007-09-13 17:13:47 UTC
After some experimenting, I have traced this bug's source to 
[ebuild     U ] x11-base/xorg-server-

Maybe this is a gentoo specific bug, I don't know. but as soon as I revert to the previous version [1.2.0-r3] and recompile compiz against it, the problem disappears. 
Comment 2 Luís Filipe Costa 2007-09-18 19:19:00 UTC
After updating to the new NVIDIA Drivers, version 100.14.19, I still experience the same bug from the moment I emerge x11-base/xorg-server- it is a driver problem, NVIDIA didn't fix it.

Emerald doesn't experience any problems. Is it possible that g-w-d needs some kind of patch to work with this new package version?
Comment 3 SmSpillaz 2009-02-06 19:50:45 UTC
This seems to be a driver bug and is not evident in recent NVIDIA driver releases. Feel free to reopen the bug if it does come up again.

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