Hi, I am working on debugging https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit/+bug/219473 and I have come across a possible cause, at least for the warnings that are shown in one of the messages. I audited all of the kit_hash_insert usages, and only found one that could try and add a new key, the one in polkit_tracker_get_caller_from_dbus_name. It doesn't check that dbus_name is not NULL, presumably relying on dbus_error_is_set to be set if that is the case. In polkitd/polkit-daemon.c in get_caller_from_context there is sender = dbus_g_method_get_sender (context); dbus_error_init (&dbus_error); pk_caller = polkit_tracker_get_caller_from_dbus_name (daemon->priv->pk_tracker, sender, &dbus_error); which doesn't check for sender being NULL. Looking at the dbus code shows that this can be NULL, as dbus messages don't always contain sender information. dbus/dbus-message.c has the actual code, and in dbus_message_new_method_return which is another caller has the comment: /* sender is allowed to be null here in peer-to-peer case */ I believe that this can lead to the warning, and so could be handled more gracefully. However, I'm not sure what PolicyKit's behaviour should be in this case, but you probably have a better idea about this than I. I'm not sure if this is the cause of the bug that I linked to above, but it is my best idea so far. Thanks, James
This bug report is for the old version of PolicyKit. Closing as all of the code has been rewritten. Please reopen if the bug report applies to the latest version of PolicyKit. Thanks.
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