Bug 20369 - Patch for enabling tapping even when a physical left button is available
Summary: Patch for enabling tapping even when a physical left button is available
Alias: None
Product: xorg
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Input/synaptics (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other All
: medium normal
Assignee: Peter Hutterer
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Reported: 2009-02-27 14:52 UTC by Pacho Ramos
Modified: 2009-02-28 13:21 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:

104_always_enable_tapping.patch (742 bytes, patch)
2009-02-27 15:07 UTC, Pacho Ramos
no flags Details | Splinter Review

Description Pacho Ramos 2009-02-27 14:52:13 UTC

The problem is that, currently, tapping is being disabled when a physical left button is available. This doesn't make much sense since a lot of users (like me) use tapping even when the phisical button is available. You can also see a lot of bug reports downstream related with tapping not working for a lot of users:

The attached patch was taken from ubuntu and works fine under Gentoo.

Thanks a lot :-)
Comment 1 Pacho Ramos 2009-02-27 15:07:59 UTC
Created attachment 23382 [details] [review]
Comment 2 Peter Hutterer 2009-02-27 23:13:08 UTC
This default was chosen deliberately for the 1.0 release. If distributions
want to have a different default then that's fine but we're not going to
change the defaults upstream (we've done that too often in the 0.15 releases).

There's a split between those who like tapping and those who hate it, so no
matter what default is picked, some users will want to change it. The correct
solution is not to change the upstream defaults but to have a tool that allows
per-user configuration.

Note that the defaults can simply be changed by merging the TapButton1/2/3 key
in your fdi files, so distributions can do that without having to patch the

Sorry, closing as NOTABUG.
Comment 3 Pacho Ramos 2009-02-28 03:17:18 UTC
Well, I don't know any user that hates tapping, but as there are a lot of people... :-/
Comment 4 You-Cheng Hsieh 2009-02-28 08:13:01 UTC
The correctsolution is not to change the upstream defaults but to have a tool that allows per-user configuration.
---end of quote---

Is there any?
Comment 5 Peter Hutterer 2009-02-28 13:21:49 UTC
> Is there any?

well, there's synclient and gsynaptics. synclient supports device properties
in the upcoming 1.1 release so that's a real solution (no SHM needed anymore).
gsynaptics hopefully catches up soon.

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