Bug 25360 - Butterfly PNG/QNG takes a lot of cpu time after audio/video calls.
Summary: Butterfly PNG/QNG takes a lot of cpu time after audio/video calls.
Alias: None
Product: Telepathy
Classification: Unclassified
Component: butterfly (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other All
: lowest normal
Assignee: Telepathy bugs list
QA Contact: Telepathy bugs list
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-11-30 06:19 UTC by David Laban
Modified: 2010-04-16 15:26 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description David Laban 2009-11-30 06:19:27 UTC
This is probably a symptom of something that's going to screw us when we start deploying it as a server.
Comment 1 Louis-Francis Ratté-Boulianne 2010-01-19 08:59:27 UTC
How are you sure the PNG and QNG take so much CPU time ?
Comment 2 David Laban 2010-01-19 09:30:03 UTC
When I've made a few calls, I get spikes on my cpu graph (applet in gnome-pannel) around the time png/qng show up in the logs, and top says it's butterfly that's responsible. Attaching a profiler to a running program is kinda tricky though, if you don't want to get your figures distorted by the activities that happen before the problem arrises.

It probably won't become a massive issue ever, because when you time-average it, the spikes only take up <5% of my computing power. 

It's probably going to be something really subtle like accidentally triggering a full garbage collection sweep. If you're not up for investigating it, I'll understand.
Comment 3 Jonny Lamb 2010-04-16 15:26:14 UTC
Great, but this sounds quite hand-wavy.

David, please re-open when you have more information regarding the actual problem.


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