If an unprivileged user runs something along the lines of: $ pkcheck --allow-user-interaction --process 0 --action-id ACTION with action requiring authentication (have not tested others), then polkitd crashes. This is kind of annoying... Reported in Ubuntu 9.10 with PolicyKit 0.96. #0 _egg_dbus_error_encode_gerror (error=0x24620b0) at eggdbuserror.c:135 domain_as_string = (const gchar *) 0x0 s = <value optimized out> n = <value optimized out> enum_type = <value optimized out> #1 0x00007fb76001b7a1 in egg_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror ( method_invocation=0x24699c0, error=0x24620b0) at eggdbusmethodinvocation.c:342 error_name = <value optimized out> #2 0x00007fb760f37fd1 in check_auth_cb (source_object=<value optimized out>, res=<value optimized out>, user_data=<value optimized out>) at polkitbackendauthority.c:875 method_invocation = (EggDBusMethodInvocation *) 0x24699c0 result = (PolkitAuthorizationResult *) 0x0 error = (GError *) 0x24620b0 #3 0x00007fb760f3ae89 in polkit_backend_interactive_authority_check_authorization (authority=0x2463760, caller=0x2479300, subject=<value optimized out>, action_id=<value optimized out>, details=<value optimized out>, flags=<value optimized out>, cancellable=0x0, callback=0x7fb760f37f00 <check_auth_cb>, user_data=0x24699c0) at polkitbackendinteractiveauthority.c:742 priv = <value optimized out> caller_str = (gchar *) 0x2464af0 "system-bus-name::1.70" subject_str = (gchar *) 0x2464b10 "unix-process:2083:0" user_of_caller = (PolkitIdentity *) 0x2451740 user_of_subject = (PolkitIdentity *) 0x0 user_of_caller_str = (gchar *) 0x2475a80 "unix-user:pang" user_of_subject_str = (gchar *) 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds> result = (PolkitAuthorizationResult *) 0xd8 implicit_authorization = 1624055424 error = (GError *) 0x2470c80 simple = (GSimpleAsyncResult *) 0x2473120 has_details = 216 detail_keys = <value optimized out> #4 0x00007fb760f3794b in authority_handle_check_authorization ( instance=<value optimized out>, real_subject=<value optimized out>, action_id=<value optimized out>, real_details=<value optimized out>, flags=<value optimized out>, cancellation_id=<value optimized out>, method_invocation=0x24699c0) at polkitbackendauthority.c:953 caller_name = <value optimized out> subject = <value optimized out> caller = (PolkitSubject *) 0x2479300 cancellable = (GCancellable *) 0x0 details = (PolkitDetails *) 0x2461ae0 #5 0x00007fb760f48379 in handle_message (interface=0x2472ea0, message=<value optimized out>) at _polkitauthority.c:2883 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_message" #6 0x00007fb7600134c8 in filter_function (dconnection=<value optimized out>, message=0x245ccc0, user_data=<value optimized out>) at eggdbusconnection.c:2213 ret = DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED #7 0x00007fb75ee80386 in dbus_connection_dispatch (connection=0x245c7f0) at dbus-connection.c:4444 filter = <value optimized out> next = (DBusList *) 0x0 message = (DBusMessage *) 0x245ccc0 link = <value optimized out> filter_list_copy = (DBusList *) 0x24722b0 message_link = (DBusList *) 0x24722e0 result = <value optimized out> status = <value optimized out> __FUNCTION__ = "dbus_connection_dispatch" #8 0x00007fb75f0b8e45 in message_queue_dispatch ( source=<value optimized out>, callback=<value optimized out>, user_data=<value optimized out>) at dbus-gmain.c:101 connection = (DBusConnection *) 0x245c7f0 #9 0x00007fb760a38432 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 No symbol table info available. #10 0x00007fb760a3c2b8 in ?? () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 No symbol table info available. #11 0x00007fb760a3c7c5 in g_main_loop_run () from /lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 No symbol table info available. #12 0x0000000000400a62 in main (argc=<value optimized out>, argv=<value optimized out>) at main.c:59 ret = 0 error = (GError *) 0x0 loop = <value optimized out> authority = (PolkitBackendAuthority *) 0x2463760
Created attachment 34841 [details] [review] git formatted patch Ah, we were freeing an error which we just propagated upwards to the caller. Now it's working correctly: $ pkcheck --allow-user-interaction --process 0 --action-id org.freedesktop.systemtoolsbackends.set Error checking for authorization org.freedesktop.systemtoolsbackends.set: Remote Exception invoking org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority.CheckAuthorization() on /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority at name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1: org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: stat() failed for /proc/0: No such file or directory
This is fixed in current git head.
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