Gentoo kernel 2.6.11-r4 XOrg-X11 6.8.2-r1 Flags: -3dfx +3dnow +bitmap-fonts -cjk -debug -dlloader -dmx -doc +font-server -hardened -insecure-drivers +ipv6 -minimal -mmx +nls +opengl +pam -sdk -sse -static +truetype-fonts +type1-fonts (-uclibc) -xprint +xv For some cause unknown, X seems to enter a closed loop and concequently tries to eat 100% of the CPU time causing the system to become largely unusable. Occours in X process.
Another data point: This happens for me as well, also on gentoo. kernel: 2.4.28 nvidia-glx-1.0.6629-r1 nvidia-kernel-1.0.6629-r1 xorg-x11-6.8.2-r1 flags:-3dfx -3dnow* +bitmap-fonts -cjk -debug -dlloader -dmx -doc +font-server -hardened -insecure-drivers -ipv6 -minimal -mmx* -nls +opengl +pam -sdk -sse* -static +truetype-fonts +type1-fonts (-uclibc) -xprint +xv killall -9 X is the only way I've found to regain the use of the system.
ctrl+alt+backspace works just as well ;) Perhaps this should be in gentoo buglist as well as just xorg's?
I believe I have tracked the cause of my problems down to the line Option "RenderAccel" "true" in the device section. I think I added that without reading the warning in the Nvidia docs. I can't reproduce the problem after commenting out that line.
Michael, are you using the NVidia driver?
Yes - the latest from the NVidia site.
Is this problem still reproducible with a current version of xorg?
I can't reproduce it with xorg-7.0.
closing as WFM as this was an nvidia problem, since fixed
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