Bug 29615 - crashed with SIGSEGV in JPXStream::readTilePartData()
Summary: crashed with SIGSEGV in JPXStream::readTilePartData()
Alias: None
Product: poppler
Classification: Unclassified
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other All
: medium normal
Assignee: poppler-bugs
QA Contact:
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-08-17 09:28 UTC by Pedro Villavicencio
Modified: 2018-08-21 10:42 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description Pedro Villavicencio 2010-08-17 09:28:06 UTC
this report has been filed here:


"evince crashes with the following stacktrace with the attached pdf"



Hilo 5 (Thread 0xb2f27b70 (LWP 20834)):
#0  JPXStream::readTilePartData (this=0xb5b23f10, tileIdx=3, tilePartLen=164, 
    tilePartToEOC=0) at JPXStream.cc:1951
        resLevel = 0xb5b37ac4
        subband = 0xa4
        ttVal = <value optimized out>
        cbX = <value optimized out>
        i = <value optimized out>
        tileComp = 0xb5b22348
        cbY = <value optimized out>
        n = <value optimized out>
        tile = 0xb5b24584
        precinct = 0xf703064
        bits = 258352228
        nx = <value optimized out>
        cb = <value optimized out>
        sb = 258352483
        level = <value optimized out>
#1  0x0f66516f in JPXStream::readTilePart (this=0xb5b23f10)
    at JPXStream.cc:1924
        tileComp = <value optimized out>
        subband = 0xb2f26748
        tilePartLen = 164
        tilePartIdx = 1
        precinctSize = 258352550
        nSBs = 3
        sb = 3
        nTileParts = 5
        n = <value optimized out>
        r = <value optimized out>
        style = 3002230648
        sby0 = 12408932
        segType = 147
        cb = 0xf6624ec
        tileIdx = 3
        segLen = 0
        i = <value optimized out>
        cbX = 3048357648
        tile = 0xb2f26740
        comp = 3002230816
        j = <value optimized out>
        cbY = 3002230588
        resLevel = 0xb5b57b14
        sbx0 = 56
        k = <value optimized out>
        cbi = <value optimized out>
        level = <value optimized out>
#2  0x0f665dd1 in JPXStream::readCodestream (this=0xb5b23f10, len=0)
    at JPXStream.cc:1366
        style = 22
        segLen = 10
        i = <value optimized out>
        haveQCD = 1
        j = <value optimized out>
        r = <value optimized out>
        tile = 0xb5b220e8
        segType = 144
        capabilities = 0
        haveSIZ = 1
        haveCOD = 1
        precinctSize = 17
        comp = 1
#3  0x0f667b11 in JPXStream::readBoxes (this=0xb5b23f10) at JPXStream.cc:735
        boxType = 1785737827
        boxLen = 0
        dataLen = 0
        bpc1 = 7
        unknownColorspace = 1
        ipr = 0
        i = 1
        compression = 7
        j = 1
#4  0x0f667c9d in JPXStream::reset (this=0xb5b23f10) at JPXStream.cc:272
No locales.
#5  0x0f6fa6d3 in ImageStream::reset (this=0xb5b31348) at Stream.cc:424
No locales.
#6  0x1fdfb610 in CairoOutputDev::drawSoftMaskedImage (this=0x20803400, 
    state=0xb5b22600, ref=0xb2f26c40, str=0xb5b243e0, width=3601, height=4650, 
    colorMap=0xb5b31f30, interpolate=0, maskStr=0xb5b23f10, maskWidth=3601, 
    maskHeight=4650, maskColorMap=0xb5b23408, maskInterpolate=0)
    at CairoOutputDev.cc:2124
        maskBuffer = <value optimized out>
        buffer = <value optimized out>
        y = <value optimized out>
        filter = 66
        maskFilter = 3048210552
        maskMatrix = {xx = -2.7986440511830212e-63, 
          yx = 8.4346675822179524e-181, xy = -4.8461152427267585e-50, 
          yy = 2.4208894198688419e-234, x0 = 2.7585945612584392e-313, 
          y0 = 1.9115867441958893e-234}
        matrix = {xx = 1.4274871875923142e-311, yx = 1.2731974745791634e-313, 
          xy = 3.5457948719095513e-313, yy = 4.1742140256357039e-305, 
          x0 = -4.8461181371750054e-50, y0 = 2.1892507115421206e-305}
        row_stride = 66
        maskImage = 0x54
        image = 0xbb1db0
        pix = <value optimized out>
        maskPattern = 0xbb1c7f
        pattern = <value optimized out>
#7  0x0f6adb3f in Gfx::doImage (this=0xb5b0ff38, ref=0xb2f26c40, 
    str=0xb5b243e0, inlineImg=0) at Gfx.cc:4164
        maskBits = 8
        interpolate = 0
        maskColors = {-1292735784, 259809268, 445382644, -1292735388, 
          -1292735784, 6, -1246619232, -1246619208, -1, 259809268, 259809268, 
          16, -1292735624, 259031298, -1246756848, -1292735388, 0, 12406772, 
          -1246756848, -1246638472, -1292735720, 11452211, 2, 32, 2, 
          259809268, -1292735400, -1246638472, -1292735688, 259201712, 6, 
          -1292735672, 0, -1246619232, -1246636104, -1246638472, -1292735640, 
          259201918, -1246636104, -1246638472, 13, 134, -1246589552, 0, 
          -1292735624, 258920236, -1292735400, 0, -1292735576, 258920363, 
          -1246638472, 73, -1292735592, 258920487, -1246691952, 134, 0, 
          259809268, -1246643220, 73, -1292735544, 258547859, -1246643220, 
        maskInterpolate = 0
        obj1 = {type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
            real = 1.0889997482299805, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, 
            dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, gen = 1072786571}, 
            cmd = 0x0}}
        maskColorSpace = <value optimized out>
        obj2 = {type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
            real = -4.9547452488571297e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
            array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
              gen = -1246590540}, cmd = 0x0}}
        dict = 0xb5b23e78
        haveColorKeyMask = <value optimized out>
        i = <value optimized out>
        width = 3601
        height = 4650
        colorSpace = <value optimized out>
        maskWidth = 3601
        maskHeight = 4650
        maskDict = <value optimized out>
        bits = 8
        mask = <value optimized out>
        invert = <value optimized out>
        maskObj = {type = objNull, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
            real = -4.5569137487044296e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
            array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
              gen = -1246688088}, cmd = 0x0}}
        smaskObj = {type = objStream, {booln = -1246609648, 
            intg = -1246609648, uintg = 3048357648, 
            real = -2.7988016924151013e-63, string = 0xb5b23f10, 
            name = 0xb5b23f10 "\b4|\017\001", array = 0xb5b23f10, 
            dict = 0xb5b23f10, stream = 0xb5b23f10, ref = {num = -1246609648, 
              gen = -1292735496}, cmd = 0xb5b23f10 "\b4|\017\001"}}
        maskInvert = <value optimized out>
        maskStr = 0xb5b23f10
        csMode = streamCSDeviceRGB
#8  0x0f6b3638 in Gfx::opXObject (this=0xb5b0ff38, args=0xb2f26d34, numArgs=1)
    at Gfx.cc:3779
        obj1 = {type = objStream, {booln = -1246608416, intg = -1246608416, 
            uintg = 3048358880, real = 2.2726047308455822e-313, 
            string = 0xb5b243e0, name = 0xb5b243e0 "\b4|\017\001", 
            array = 0xb5b243e0, dict = 0xb5b243e0, stream = 0xb5b243e0, ref = {
              num = -1246608416, gen = 10}, cmd = 0xb5b243e0 "\b4|\017\001"}}
        obj3 = {type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
            real = -4.8317921994188675e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
            array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
              gen = -1246620688}, cmd = 0x0}}
        refObj = {type = objRef, {booln = 134, intg = 134, uintg = 134, 
            real = 6.6204796542727037e-322, string = 0x86, 
            name = 0x86 <Address 0x86 out of bounds>, array = 0x86, 
            dict = 0x86, stream = 0x86, ref = {num = 134, gen = 0}, 
            cmd = 0x86 <Address 0x86 out of bounds>}}
        name = 0xb5b10ca8 "Im0"
        obj2 = {type = objName, {booln = -1246636104, intg = -1246636104, 
            uintg = 3048331192, real = -4.5468350478649064e-50, 
            string = 0xb5b1d7b8, name = 0xb5b1d7b8 "Image", 
            array = 0xb5b1d7b8, dict = 0xb5b1d7b8, stream = 0xb5b1d7b8, ref = {
              num = -1246636104, gen = -1246690560}, cmd = 0xb5b1d7b8 "Image"}}
        opiDict = {type = objNull, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
            real = 2.453130862965955e-234, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
            array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
              gen = 258945809}, cmd = 0x0}}
#9  0x0f6a2716 in Gfx::execOp (this=0xb5b0ff38, cmd=0xb2f26ed4, 
    args=0xb2f26d34, numArgs=1) at Gfx.cc:840
        op = <value optimized out>
        name = 0xb5b213f0 "Do"
        argPtr = 0xb2f26d34
        i = 1
#10 0x0f6a32dc in Gfx::go (this=0xb5b0ff38, topLevel=1) at Gfx.cc:700
        timer = {start_time = {tv_sec = 1282062306, tv_usec = 705531}, 
          end_time = aviso: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `timeval' value
aviso:   found `Lexer::getObj(Object*, int)' instead
{tv_sec = 258885133, tv_usec = 259809268}, active = 1}
        obj = {type = objCmd, {booln = -1246620688, intg = -1246620688, 
            uintg = 3048346608, real = 1728.4801853012723, 
            string = 0xb5b213f0, name = 0xb5b213f0 "Do", array = 0xb5b213f0, 
            dict = 0xb5b213f0, stream = 0xb5b213f0, ref = {num = -1246620688, 
              gen = 1083900395}, cmd = 0xb5b213f0 "Do"}}
        numArgs = 1
        i = <value optimized out>
        lastAbortCheck = 0
        args = {{type = objName, {booln = -1246688088, intg = -1246688088, 
              uintg = 3048279208, real = 1728.4801852859473, 
              string = 0xb5b10ca8, name = 0xb5b10ca8 "Im0", 
              array = 0xb5b10ca8, dict = 0xb5b10ca8, stream = 0xb5b10ca8, 
              ref = {num = -1246688088, gen = 1083900395}, 
              cmd = 0xb5b10ca8 "Im0"}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, 
              uintg = 0, real = 1728.4794921875, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = 1083900395}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 1728.4794921875, string = 0x0, 
              name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {
                num = 0, gen = 1083900395}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {
              booln = 2232, intg = 2232, uintg = 2232, 
              real = 1728.4794921880075, string = 0x8b8, 
              name = 0x8b8 <Address 0x8b8 out of bounds>, array = 0x8b8, 
              dict = 0x8b8, stream = 0x8b8, ref = {num = 2232, 
                gen = 1083900395}, 
              cmd = 0x8b8 <Address 0x8b8 out of bounds>}}, {type = objNone, {
              booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 1728.4794921875, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 1083900395}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, 
            {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 1728.4794921875, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 1083900395}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, 
            {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -4.9587746243661187e-50, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1246589552}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = -4.9587746243661187e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = -1246589552}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 2.5097438178117895e-234, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 258992996}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {
              booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 4.2439915819305446e-314, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 2}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {
              booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -4.276717174848573e-50, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1246756792}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = -4.9587746243661187e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = -1246589552}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 1.6975966327722179e-313, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 8}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {
              booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -4.276684548326233e-50, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1246756800}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = -5.1202922232102522e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = -1246549948}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -4.9587746243661187e-50, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1246589552}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = 4.462070725775242e-234, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = 259809268}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -2.8000982691846878e-63, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1292734936}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = 5.4323092248710971e-312, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = 256}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -4.5449724415279923e-50, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1246691016}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = 3.0047253499040237e-234, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = 259201918}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -2.8002095453692085e-63, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1292734888}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = 2.1219957909652723e-314, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, gen = 1}, 
              cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = -5.1202922232102522e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = -1246549948}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 2.3819108611527771e-234, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 258886447}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {
              booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -2.8003208215537291e-63, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1292734840}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = -4.9587746243661187e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = -1246589552}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 3.5590276894092623e-234, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 259432924}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {
              booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -5.1202922232102522e-50, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1246549948}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = -5.1202269701655722e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = -1246549964}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = -2.8010904818299967e-63, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = -1292734508}, cmd = 0x0}}, {
            type = objNone, {booln = 0, intg = 0, uintg = 0, 
              real = -4.9587746243661187e-50, string = 0x0, name = 0x0, 
              array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, ref = {num = 0, 
                gen = -1246589552}, cmd = 0x0}}, {type = objNone, {booln = 0, 
              intg = 0, uintg = 0, real = 8.4346643691717757e-181, 
              string = 0x0, name = 0x0, array = 0x0, dict = 0x0, stream = 0x0, 
              ref = {num = 0, gen = 445382644}, cmd = 0x0}}}
#11 0x0f6a3d29 in Gfx::display (this=0xb5b0ff38, obj=0xb2f26fd4, topLevel=1)
    at Gfx.cc:667
        obj2 = {type = objNone, {booln = -1246589552, intg = -1246589552, 
            uintg = 3048377744, real = 2.0544739091288128e-234, 
            string = 0xb5b28d90, name = 0xb5b28d90 "hM|\017\001", 
            array = 0xb5b28d90, dict = 0xb5b28d90, stream = 0xb5b28d90, ref = {
              num = -1246589552, gen = 258613527}, 
            cmd = 0xb5b28d90 "hM|\017\001"}}
        i = <value optimized out>
#12 0x0f6f08c0 in Page::displaySlice (this=0xb5b1af50, out=0x20803400, 
    hDPI=72, vDPI=72, rotate=0, useMediaBox=0, crop=1, sliceX=-1, sliceY=-1, 
    sliceW=-1, sliceH=-1, printing=0, catalog=0xb5b0feb0, abortCheckCbk=0, 
    abortCheckCbkData=0x0, annotDisplayDecideCbk=0, 
    annotDisplayDecideCbkData=0x0) at Page.cc:474
        gfx = 0xb5b0ff38
        obj = {type = objArray, {booln = -1246645832, intg = -1246645832, 
            uintg = 3048321464, real = 1.5060709128428942e-314, 
            string = 0xb5b1b1b8, 
            name = 0xb5b1b1b8 "\220\375\260\265б\261\265\b", 
            array = 0xb5b1b1b8, dict = 0xb5b1b1b8, stream = 0xb5b1b1b8, ref = {
              num = -1246645832, gen = 0}, 
            cmd = 0xb5b1b1b8 "\220\375\260\265б\261\265\b"}}
        i = <value optimized out>
#13 0x1fdf20f1 in _poppler_page_render (page=0xb5b224a0, cairo=0x48c934, 
    printing=0) at poppler-page.cc:336
        output_dev = 0x20803400
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void _poppler_page_render(PopplerPage*, cairo_t*, GBool)"
#14 0x0d8d62d9 in ?? () from /usr/lib/evince/2/backends/libpdfdocument.so
No symbol table info available.
#15 0x005e8568 in ev_document_render () from /usr/lib/libevdocument.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#16 0x0098e581 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libevview.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#17 0x0098b331 in ev_job_run () from /usr/lib/libevview.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#18 0x0098f328 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libevview.so.2
No symbol table info available.
#19 0x00a1687f in g_thread_create_proxy (data=0x207815a0)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthread.c:1897
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_thread_create_proxy"
#20 0x0073bcc9 in start_thread (arg=0xb2f27b70) at pthread_create.c:304
        __res = <value optimized out>
        __ignore1 = <value optimized out>
        __ignore2 = <value optimized out>
        pd = 0xb2f27b70
        now = <value optimized out>
        unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {7655412, 0, 4001536, 
                -1292733688, 620034328, 661228157}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, 
          priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, 
              cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
        not_first_call = <value optimized out>
        robust = <value optimized out>
        freesize = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#21 0x00b4b6ae in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/clone.S:130
No locales.

Hilo 4 (Thread 0xb64c6b70 (LWP 20829)):
#0  0x004ba416 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00740884 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
    at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/i686/../i486/pthread_cond_timedwait.S:236
No locales.
#2  0x007c7ede in g_cond_timed_wait_posix_impl (cond=0xfffffdfc, 
    entered_mutex=0x8, abs_time=0xb64c6198)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/gthread/gthread-posix.c:242
        result = <value optimized out>
        end_time = {tv_sec = 1282062307, tv_nsec = 125212000}
        timed_out = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_cond_timed_wait_posix_impl"
#3  0x009c59cc in g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked (queue=0x206a9be0, 
    try=<value optimized out>, end_time=0xb64c6198)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gasyncqueue.c:423
        retval = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked"
#4  0x00a1880b in g_thread_pool_wait_for_new_task (data=0x206ab1f8)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthreadpool.c:269
        end_time = {tv_sec = 1282062307, tv_usec = 125212}
#5  g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=0x206ab1f8)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthreadpool.c:303
        task = <value optimized out>
        pool = 0x206ab1f8
#6  0x00a1687f in g_thread_create_proxy (data=0x206aad78)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthread.c:1897
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_thread_create_proxy"
#7  0x0073bcc9 in start_thread (arg=0xb64c6b70) at pthread_create.c:304
        __res = <value optimized out>
        __ignore1 = <value optimized out>
        __ignore2 = <value optimized out>
        pd = 0xb64c6b70
        now = <value optimized out>
        unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {7655412, 0, 4001536, 
                -1236507896, 1490352401, 661228157}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, 
          priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, 
              cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
        not_first_call = <value optimized out>
        robust = <value optimized out>
        freesize = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#8  0x00b4b6ae in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/clone.S:130
No locales.

Hilo 3 (Thread 0xb6cc7b70 (LWP 20828)):
#0  0x004ba416 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00740884 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
    at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/i686/../i486/pthread_cond_timedwait.S:236
No locales.
#2  0x007c7ede in g_cond_timed_wait_posix_impl (cond=0xfffffdfc, 
    entered_mutex=0xa, abs_time=0xb6cc7198)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/gthread/gthread-posix.c:242
        result = <value optimized out>
        end_time = {tv_sec = 1282062307, tv_nsec = 125275000}
        timed_out = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_cond_timed_wait_posix_impl"
#3  0x009c59cc in g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked (queue=0x206a9be0, 
    try=<value optimized out>, end_time=0xb6cc7198)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gasyncqueue.c:423
        retval = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked"
#4  0x00a1880b in g_thread_pool_wait_for_new_task (data=0x206ab1f8)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthreadpool.c:269
        end_time = {tv_sec = 1282062307, tv_usec = 125275}
#5  g_thread_pool_thread_proxy (data=0x206ab1f8)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthreadpool.c:303
        task = <value optimized out>
        pool = 0x206ab1f8
#6  0x00a1687f in g_thread_create_proxy (data=0x206ab1d0)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthread.c:1897
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_thread_create_proxy"
#7  0x0073bcc9 in start_thread (arg=0xb6cc7b70) at pthread_create.c:304
        __res = <value optimized out>
        __ignore1 = <value optimized out>
        __ignore2 = <value optimized out>
        pd = 0xb6cc7b70
        now = <value optimized out>
        unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {7655412, 0, 4001536, 
                -1228115192, 1492449552, 661228157}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, 
          priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, 
              cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
        not_first_call = <value optimized out>
        robust = <value optimized out>
        freesize = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#8  0x00b4b6ae in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/clone.S:130
No locales.

Hilo 2 (Thread 0xb74c8b70 (LWP 20827)):
#0  0x004ba416 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00b3cde6 in *__GI___poll (fds=0xbd4ff4, nfds=3, timeout=-1)
    at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:87
        resultvar = <value optimized out>
        oldtype = 0
        result = <value optimized out>
#2  0x009fcbdb in g_poll (fds=0x206a6ce0, nfds=3, timeout=-1)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gpoll.c:126
No locales.
#3  0x009ef58c in g_main_context_poll (context=0x20689cc8, 
    block=<value optimized out>, dispatch=1, self=0x20689d48)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gmain.c:3063
        poll_func = 0x9fcbb0 <g_poll>
#4  g_main_context_iterate (context=0x20689cc8, block=<value optimized out>, 
    dispatch=1, self=0x20689d48)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gmain.c:2745
        max_priority = 2147483647
        timeout = -1
        some_ready = <value optimized out>
        nfds = 3
        allocated_nfds = <value optimized out>
        fds = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_main_context_iterate"
#5  0x009efcf7 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x20689ca8)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gmain.c:2958
        self = 0x20689d48
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_main_loop_run"
#6  0x00563084 in shared_thread_func (data=0x0)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/gio/gdbusprivate.c:247
No locales.
#7  0x00a1687f in g_thread_create_proxy (data=0x20689d48)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gthread.c:1897
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_thread_create_proxy"
#8  0x0073bcc9 in start_thread (arg=0xb74c8b70) at pthread_create.c:304
        __res = <value optimized out>
        __ignore1 = <value optimized out>
        __ignore2 = <value optimized out>
        pd = 0xb74c8b70
        now = <value optimized out>
        unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {7655412, 0, 4001536, 
                -1219722488, 1494546707, 661228157}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, 
          priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, 
              cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
        not_first_call = <value optimized out>
        robust = <value optimized out>
        freesize = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "start_thread"
#9  0x00b4b6ae in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/clone.S:130
No locales.

Hilo 1 (Thread 0xb7868850 (LWP 20824)):
#0  0x004ba416 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x00b3cde6 in *__GI___poll (fds=0xbd4ff4, nfds=5, timeout=82)
    at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/poll.c:87
        resultvar = <value optimized out>
        oldtype = 0
        result = <value optimized out>
#2  0x009fcbdb in g_poll (fds=0x206ab230, nfds=5, timeout=82)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gpoll.c:126
No locales.
#3  0x009ef58c in g_main_context_poll (context=0x20646cd8, 
    block=<value optimized out>, dispatch=1, self=0x2062f028)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gmain.c:3063
        poll_func = 0x9fcbb0 <g_poll>
#4  g_main_context_iterate (context=0x20646cd8, block=<value optimized out>, 
    dispatch=1, self=0x2062f028)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gmain.c:2745
        max_priority = 2147483647
        timeout = 82
        some_ready = <value optimized out>
        nfds = 5
        allocated_nfds = <value optimized out>
        fds = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_main_context_iterate"
#5  0x009efcf7 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x206b19b0)
    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.13/glib/gmain.c:2958
        self = 0x2062f028
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_main_loop_run"
#6  0x00fca539 in IA__gtk_main ()
    at /build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.21.5/gtk/gtkmain.c:1237
        tmp_list = 0x0
        functions = 0x0
        init = 0x0
        loop = 0x206b19b0
#7  0x0036c252 in main ()
No symbol table info available."
Comment 1 Albert Astals Cid 2010-08-17 14:47:52 UTC
The crash is not in poppler code but in openjpeg code. Poppler uses openjpeg for JPX decoding.

openjpeg 1.3 release crashes but the code from their svn does not crash so i can only understand that new openjpeg releases will fix the crash.


Thus i am closing the bug.
Comment 2 Tomas Hoger 2010-08-18 07:02:33 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> The crash is not in poppler code but in openjpeg code. Poppler uses openjpeg
> for JPX decoding.

The file does indeed trigger crash in openjpeg (two actually, see my comment in launchpad bug), but that should be a different crash to what was reported in Ubuntu bug, as Ubuntu poppler does not seem to be using openjpeg.  Poppler built without openjpeg crashes on the file too, though I don't know whether it's poppler or libjpeg to blame for that crash.
Comment 3 Albert Astals Cid 2010-08-18 11:59:13 UTC
Ah yes, Ubuntu refuses to use the better, faster and less memory intensive option. Basically i refuse to work on JPXStream given we have OpenJPEG that is much better.

Patches accepted as always.
Comment 4 GitLab Migration User 2018-08-21 10:42:22 UTC
-- GitLab Migration Automatic Message --

This bug has been migrated to freedesktop.org's GitLab instance and has been closed from further activity.

You can subscribe and participate further through the new bug through this link to our GitLab instance: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/poppler/poppler/issues/336.

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