Bug 32655 - Samsung YP-U4 differences
Summary: Samsung YP-U4 differences
Alias: None
Product: media-player-info
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New device (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other All
: medium normal
Assignee: Martin Pitt
QA Contact:
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Reported: 2010-12-25 17:17 UTC by cam
Modified: 2011-01-10 06:00 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:

Rules patch (199 bytes, patch)
2010-12-25 17:17 UTC, cam
Details | Splinter Review
Samsung YP-U4 patch (85 bytes, patch)
2010-12-25 17:17 UTC, cam
Details | Splinter Review

Description cam 2010-12-25 17:17:05 UTC
Created attachment 41451 [details] [review]
Rules patch

I've found that my Samsung YP-U4 differs from what is currently entered in m-p-i.

For starters the product id is 5093, not 5092.

Also the AudioFolders should be Music, much like the Samsung U5.

I'm not sure if the current definition is incorrect or if there are just different versions of the device.
Comment 1 cam 2010-12-25 17:17:42 UTC
Created attachment 41452 [details] [review]
Samsung YP-U4 patch
Comment 2 Martin Pitt 2010-12-26 04:25:18 UTC
Thanks! Committed to trunk.
Comment 3 Martin Pitt 2011-01-08 15:35:22 UTC
I reverted that commit, see bug 32913.
Comment 4 cam 2011-01-10 02:08:48 UTC
What would the appropriate way to address the bug?

The device can be connected to a PC as a mass storage device or using MTP, there's an option on the player to switch between them.

It appears that in storage mode it's model id is 5092 and in MTP mode it's 5093.
Comment 5 Martin Pitt 2011-01-10 06:00:44 UTC
There is no bug really. MTP devices don't need m-p-i, as they can tell their names and capabilities by themselves. Music player programs use libmtp for MTP devices.

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