Bug 33771 - Hang on boot with Quadro NVS295
Summary: Hang on boot with Quadro NVS295
Alias: None
Product: xorg
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Driver/nouveau (show other bugs)
Version: git
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Nouveau Project
QA Contact: Xorg Project Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-01-31 10:08 UTC by Adam Huffman
Modified: 2013-08-18 18:10 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description Adam Huffman 2011-01-31 10:08:20 UTC
On a Dell Precision T5500 workstation with a Quadro NVS295 card, booting up now hangs part of the way through.  Today I updated to the latest build of Nouveau available in Fedora koji (xorg-x11-drv-nouveau-0.0.16-17.20110117git38e8809) and the same thing happened.  The monitors are two Dell 24-inch models.  I've tried connecting via DVI and via DisplayPort and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference.  Booting with one monitor connected and using the Vesa driver does work.  The odd thing is that there are number of other similar workstations here with similar hardware that don't seem to have this problem, though I suppose there may be different sub-revisions of the graphics hardware.

The only Xorg log files I can obtain at the moment are from using the Vesa driver - let me know if those would be helpful.  There is no xorg.conf in use, so it's unlikely to be misconfiguration.
Comment 1 Ilia Mirkin 2013-08-18 18:10:26 UTC
It appears that this bug report has laid dormant for quite a while. Sorry we haven't gotten to it. Since we fix bugs all the time, chances are pretty good that your issue has been fixed with the latest software. Please give it a shot. (Linux kernel 3.10.7, xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.9, mesa 9.1.6, or their git versions.) If upgrading to the latest isn't an option for you, your distro's bugzilla is probably the right destination for your bug report.

In an effort to clean up our bug list, we're pre-emptively closing all bugs that haven't seen updates since 2011. If the original issue remains, please make sure to provide fresh info, see http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/Bugs/ for what we need to see, and re-open this one.


The Nouveau Team

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