This is what i get after issuing the command to run Civ V under Wine: HD4850 gabriel@linux-a7dy:~/.wine/drive_c/Archivos de programa/Sid Meier's Civilization V> wine CivilizationV.exe fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 240, std (d/m/y): 8/05/2011, dlt (d/m/y): 21/08/2011 wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xffffffff at address 0xf6f6540d (thread 0009), starting debugger... Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0xffffffff in 32-bit code (0xf6f6540d). Register dump: CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b EIP:f6f6540d ESP:00327798 EBP:f7251ff4 EFLAGS:00010246( R- -- I Z- -P- ) EAX:7c61b62c EBX:7c4d5e98 ECX:7c611288 EDX:00000000 ESI:00000000 EDI:7c4d5e70 Stack dump: 0x00327798: 7c611288 00000000 003277cc 7c61c6cc 0x003277a8: f7251ff4 00000020 7c611278 7c4d5e40 0x003277b8: f7579394 f7251ff4 f6fcd845 7c611208 0x003277c8: f7579380 7c611208 00000000 f748159a 0x003277d8: 00327808 7c641940 7c4d5e70 f65c2ff4 0x003277e8: 00000020 f713d5e7 00327820 f658c927 000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 32-bit r-x Backtrace: =>0 0xf6f6540d _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry21registerAnalysisGroupEPKvS2_RNS_8PassInfoEbb+0x2dd() in (0xf7251ff4) 1 0xf6e3d2fb _ZN4llvm18initializeNoAAPassERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x11a() in (0xf7287914) 2 0xf6df5198 _ZN4llvm36initializeAliasAnalysisAnalysisGroupERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x47() in (0x7c4d0720) 3 0xf6e8455b _ZN4llvm36initializeTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPassERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x4a() in (0x7c4d0720) 4 0xf6e846de _ZN4llvm32createTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPassEv+0x6d() in (0x7c6114a8) 5 0xf6bd7b04 _ZN4llvm17LLVMTargetMachine22addCommonCodeGenPassesERNS_15PassManagerBaseENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEbRPNS_9MCContextE+0x23() in (0x7c6114a8) 6 0xf6bd842c _ZN4llvm17LLVMTargetMachine26addPassesToEmitMachineCodeERNS_15PassManagerBaseERNS_14JITCodeEmitterENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEb+0x4b() in (0x7c6114a8) 7 0xf695fe11 _ZN4llvm3JITC1EPNS_6ModuleERNS_13TargetMachineERNS_13TargetJITInfoEPNS_16JITMemoryManagerENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEb+0x210() in (0x7c6114a8) 8 0xf695fa0f _ZN4llvm3JIT9createJITEPNS_6ModuleEPSsPNS_16JITMemoryManagerENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEbPNS_13TargetMachineE+0x8e() in (0x7c640cec) 9 0xf69751fa _ZN4llvm13EngineBuilder6createEv+0x159() in (0x00000000) 0xf6f6540d _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry21registerAnalysisGroupEPKvS2_RNS_8PassInfoEbb+0x2dd in Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (125 modules) PE 330000- 343000 Deferred zlib1 PE 350000- 378000 Deferred lua51_win32 PE 390000- 3e3000 Deferred steamclient PE 400000- 6cd1000 Deferred civilizationv PE 6ce0000- 72ad000 Deferred cvgamecoredllfinal release PE 72b0000- 737d000 Deferred cvlocalizationwin32final releaseC:\Archivos de programa\Sid Meier's Civilization V\CvLocalizationWin32Final Release.dll PE 7380000- 7994000 Deferred cvgamedatabasewin32final releaseC:\Archivos de programa\Sid Meier's Civilization V\CvGameDatabaseWin32Final Release.dll PE 79a0000- 7a0b000 Deferred mss32 PE 10000000-101e5000 Deferred d3dx9_42 PE 3b400000-3b41e000 Deferred steam_api PE 78000000-78044000 Deferred msvcrt PE 78480000-7850e000 Deferred msvcp90 PE 78520000-785c3000 Deferred msvcr90 ELF 7b800000-7b9bb000 Deferred kernel32<elf> \-PE 7b810000-7b9bb000 \ kernel32 ELF 7bc00000-7bcd5000 Deferred ntdll<elf> \-PE 7bc10000-7bcd5000 \ ntdll ELF 7bf00000-7bf04000 Deferred <wine-loader> ELF 7d230000-7d24b000 Deferred spoolss<elf> \-PE 7d240000-7d24b000 \ spoolss ELF 7d24b000-7d259000 Deferred ELF 7d259000-7d265000 Deferred ELF 7d265000-7d27f000 Deferred ELF 7d27f000-7d288000 Deferred ELF 7d288000-7d29f000 Deferred ELF 7d29f000-7d2a8000 Deferred ELF 7d2a8000-7d2ad000 Deferred ELF 7d2ad000-7d2d5000 Deferred ELF 7d2d5000-7d39e000 Deferred ELF 7d39e000-7d540000 Deferred ELF 7d540000-7d598000 Deferred ELF 7d598000-7d5cf000 Deferred ELF 7d5cf000-7d61d000 Deferred ELF 7d624000-7d646000 Deferred localspl<elf> \-PE 7d630000-7d646000 \ localspl ELF 7d676000-7d67a000 Deferred ELF 7d6a8000-7d6df000 Deferred uxtheme<elf> \-PE 7d6b0000-7d6df000 \ uxtheme ELF 7db4e000-7db55000 Deferred ELF 7db55000-7db61000 Deferred ELF 7db61000-7db71000 Deferred ELF 7db71000-7db75000 Deferred ELF 7db75000-7db7e000 Deferred ELF 7db7e000-7db89000 Deferred ELF 7db89000-7db8f000 Deferred ELF 7db8f000-7db93000 Deferred ELF 7db93000-7db97000 Deferred ELF 7db97000-7dbb7000 Deferred ELF 7dbb7000-7dbd2000 Deferred ELF 7dbd2000-7dd10000 Deferred ELF 7dd39000-7ddea000 Deferred winex11<elf> \-PE 7dd40000-7ddea000 \ winex11 ELF 7dec0000-7deea000 Deferred ELF 7deea000-7df20000 Deferred ELF 7df20000-7df37000 Deferred ELF 7df37000-7dfbf000 Deferred ELF 7dfbf000-7e009000 Deferred ELF 7e00a000-7e010000 Deferred ELF 7e010000-7e022000 Deferred ELF 7e022000-7e02b000 Deferred ELF 7e032000-7e17e000 Deferred wined3d<elf> \-PE 7e040000-7e17e000 \ wined3d ELF 7e17e000-7e1bb000 Deferred d3d9<elf> \-PE 7e180000-7e1bb000 \ d3d9 ELF 7e1bb000-7e1f7000 Deferred winspool<elf> \-PE 7e1c0000-7e1f7000 \ winspool ELF 7e1f7000-7e2f1000 Deferred comdlg32<elf> \-PE 7e200000-7e2f1000 \ comdlg32 ELF 7e2f1000-7e407000 Deferred oleaut32<elf> \-PE 7e310000-7e407000 \ oleaut32 ELF 7e407000-7e489000 Deferred gdiplus<elf> \-PE 7e420000-7e489000 \ gdiplus ELF 7e489000-7e49d000 Deferred msimg32<elf> \-PE 7e490000-7e49d000 \ msimg32 ELF 7e49d000-7e4d1000 Deferred ws2_32<elf> \-PE 7e4a0000-7e4d1000 \ ws2_32 ELF 7e4d1000-7e5d4000 Deferred comctl32<elf> \-PE 7e4e0000-7e5d4000 \ comctl32 ELF 7e5d4000-7e648000 Deferred shlwapi<elf> \-PE 7e5e0000-7e648000 \ shlwapi ELF 7e648000-7e86d000 Deferred shell32<elf> \-PE 7e660000-7e86d000 \ shell32 ELF 7e86d000-7e8d0000 Deferred dbghelp<elf> \-PE 7e870000-7e8d0000 \ dbghelp ELF 7e8d0000-7e8e4000 Deferred psapi<elf> \-PE 7e8e0000-7e8e4000 \ psapi ELF 7e8e4000-7e908000 Deferred imm32<elf> \-PE 7e8f0000-7e908000 \ imm32 ELF 7e926000-7e95c000 Deferred winhttp<elf> \-PE 7e930000-7e95c000 \ winhttp ELF 7e95c000-7e987000 Deferred msacm32<elf> \-PE 7e960000-7e987000 \ msacm32 ELF 7e987000-7ea06000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf> \-PE 7e990000-7ea06000 \ rpcrt4 ELF 7ea06000-7eb37000 Deferred ole32<elf> \-PE 7ea20000-7eb37000 \ ole32 ELF 7eb37000-7eba1000 Deferred advapi32<elf> \-PE 7eb40000-7eba1000 \ advapi32 ELF 7eba1000-7ec58000 Deferred gdi32<elf> \-PE 7ebb0000-7ec58000 \ gdi32 ELF 7ec58000-7edaa000 Deferred user32<elf> \-PE 7ec70000-7edaa000 \ user32 ELF 7edaa000-7ee51000 Deferred winmm<elf> \-PE 7edb0000-7ee51000 \ winmm ELF 7efad000-7efd7000 Deferred ELF 7efe2000-7efe6000 Deferred ELF 7efe6000-7f000000 Deferred version<elf> \-PE 7eff0000-7f000000 \ version ELF f64be000-f64dc000 Deferred ELF f65cb000-f72cf000 Dwarf ELF f72cf000-f72d9000 Deferred ELF f72d9000-f72e6000 Deferred ELF f72e6000-f7342000 Deferred ELF f736b000-f73dd000 Deferred ddraw<elf> \-PE f7370000-f73dd000 \ ddraw ELF f73dd000-f7400000 Deferred dxdiagn<elf> \-PE f73e0000-f7400000 \ dxdiagn ELF f740a000-f740f000 Deferred ELF f740f000-f757c000 Deferred ELF f757c000-f7597000 Deferred ELF f75a1000-f75a5000 Deferred ELF f75a5000-f75c0000 Deferred ELF f75c0000-f7704000 Dwarf ELF f7705000-f7726000 Deferred ELF ffffe000-fffff000 Deferred [vdso].so Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 00000008 (D) C:\Archivos de programa\Sid Meier's Civilization V\CivilizationV.exe 00000009 0 <== 0000000e services.exe 00000020 0 0000001b 0 00000016 0 00000015 0 00000014 0 00000010 0 0000000f 0 00000011 winedevice.exe 00000017 0 00000013 0 00000012 0 00000018 plugplay.exe 0000001c 0 0000001a 0 00000019 0 0000001d winedevice.exe 00000021 0 0000001f 0 0000001e 0 00000022 explorer.exe 00000023 0 Backtrace: =>0 0xf6f6540d _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry21registerAnalysisGroupEPKvS2_RNS_8PassInfoEbb+0x2dd() in (0xf7251ff4) 1 0xf6e3d2fb _ZN4llvm18initializeNoAAPassERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x11a() in (0xf7287914) 2 0xf6df5198 _ZN4llvm36initializeAliasAnalysisAnalysisGroupERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x47() in (0x7c4d0720) 3 0xf6e8455b _ZN4llvm36initializeTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPassERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x4a() in (0x7c4d0720) 4 0xf6e846de _ZN4llvm32createTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPassEv+0x6d() in (0x7c6114a8) 5 0xf6bd7b04 _ZN4llvm17LLVMTargetMachine22addCommonCodeGenPassesERNS_15PassManagerBaseENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEbRPNS_9MCContextE+0x23() in (0x7c6114a8) 6 0xf6bd842c _ZN4llvm17LLVMTargetMachine26addPassesToEmitMachineCodeERNS_15PassManagerBaseERNS_14JITCodeEmitterENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEb+0x4b() in (0x7c6114a8) 7 0xf695fe11 _ZN4llvm3JITC1EPNS_6ModuleERNS_13TargetMachineERNS_13TargetJITInfoEPNS_16JITMemoryManagerENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEb+0x210() in (0x7c6114a8) 8 0xf695fa0f _ZN4llvm3JIT9createJITEPNS_6ModuleEPSsPNS_16JITMemoryManagerENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEbPNS_13TargetMachineE+0x8e() in (0x7c640cec) 9 0xf69751fa _ZN4llvm13EngineBuilder6createEv+0x159() in (0x00000000)
Only LLVM in the backtrace, reassigning to core for now. Maybe the environment variable DRAW_USE_LLVM=0 could work around the problem, but I'm not sure which Wine process you'd need to set that for...
I can't see how this would fail at this point. It seems like a generic memory corruption...
Created attachment 53862 [details] Xorg log
I have the same bug with all the games I tried with wine since I have updated my Opensuse Tumbleweed to 12.1. I put in attachment the Xorg.0.log in order to have the version of the X server and the drivers. Without the variable I have the crash, and with the variable it works fine: guest@linux-30so:/essai/drive_c/Program Files/Microids/Egypte 3> unset DRAW_USE_LLVM guest@linux-30so:/essai/drive_c/Program Files/Microids/Egypte 3> ~/wine-git/wine Game.exe fixme:ntoskrnl:KeInitializeTimerEx stub: 0x110fe8 0 fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:winmm:MXD_GetControlDetails What should the sw-side mixer controls map to? wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xffffffff at address 0x7d44b87d (thread 0009), starting debugger... Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0xffffffff in 32-bit code (0x7d44b87d). Register dump: CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b EIP:7d44b87d ESP:0033ea38 EBP:7d73aff4 EFLAGS:00210246( R- -- I Z- -P- ) EAX:7c5fff2c EBX:7c4cf8d0 ECX:7c5f5b18 EDX:00000000 ESI:00000000 EDI:7c4cf8a8 Stack dump: 0x0033ea38: 7c5f5b18 00000000 0033ea6c 7c600fcc 0x0033ea48: 7d73aff4 7c600008 7c5f5b08 7c4bfb68 0x0033ea58: b75dbff4 b74e2df3 7d4b5e95 7c5f5a98 0x0033ea68: b75dbff4 7c5f5a98 00000000 00000020 0x0033ea78: 00000020 7d6271ef 00000020 b74e6ee1 0x0033ea88: 00000020 7ca76d05 7c625770 7caa8ff4 Backtrace: =>0 0x7d44b87d _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry21registerAnalysisGroupEPKvS2_RNS_8PassInfoEbb+0x2dd() in (0x7d73aff4) 1 0x7d322d1b _ZN4llvm18initializeNoAAPassERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x11a() in (0x7d77213c) 2 0x7d2da568 _ZN4llvm36initializeAliasAnalysisAnalysisGroupERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x47() in (0x7c4c02c8) 3 0x7d36c3cb _ZN4llvm36initializeTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPassERNS_12PassRegistryE+0x4a() in (0x7c4c02c8) 4 0x7d36c54e _ZN4llvm32createTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPassEv+0x6d() in (0x7c5f5cc8) 5 0x7d0bce44 _ZN4llvm17LLVMTargetMachine22addCommonCodeGenPassesERNS_15PassManagerBaseENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEbRPNS_9MCContextE+0x23() in (0x7c5f5cc8) 6 0x7d0bd76c _ZN4llvm17LLVMTargetMachine26addPassesToEmitMachineCodeERNS_15PassManagerBaseERNS_14JITCodeEmitterENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEb+0x4b() in (0x7c5f5cc8) 7 0x7ce44a71 _ZN4llvm3JITC1EPNS_6ModuleERNS_13TargetMachineERNS_13TargetJITInfoEPNS_16JITMemoryManagerENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEb+0x210() in (0x7c5f5cc8) 8 0x7ce4466f _ZN4llvm3JIT9createJITEPNS_6ModuleEPSsPNS_16JITMemoryManagerENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelEbPNS_13TargetMachineE+0x8e() in (0x7c6255f4) 9 0x7ce59d1a _ZN4llvm13EngineBuilder6createEv+0x159() in (0x00000000) 0x7d44b87d _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry21registerAnalysisGroupEPKvS2_RNS_8PassInfoEbb+0x2dd in With the variable guest@linux-30so:/essai/drive_c/Program Files/Microids/Egypte 3> DRAW_USE_LLVM=0 ~/wine-git/wine Game.exe fixme:ntoskrnl:KeInitializeTimerEx stub: 0x110fe8 0 fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels fixme:winmm:MXD_GetControlDetails What should the sw-side mixer controls map to? fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f714,0x00000000), stub! fixme:d3d:swapchain_init Add OpenGL context recreation support to context_validate_onscreen_formats fixme:d3d:wined3d_device_decref Device released with resources still bound, acceptable but unexpected. fixme:d3d:wined3d_device_decref Leftover resource 0x12fe58 with type WINED3DRTYPE_SURFACE (0x1). fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f710,0x00000000), stub! fixme:ddraw:DirectDrawEnumerateExA flags 0x00000007 not handled fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33e79c,0x00000000), stub! fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33ebd4,0x00000000), stub! fixme:d3d:swapchain_init Add OpenGL context recreation support to context_validate_onscreen_formats If anyone has any idea on what I could do to give more information, more trace, I will try my best.
For what it's worth, all the cases of this bug that I've seen were on SUSE. I suppose this could be a packaging issue.
I opened suse bug: if you could install Mesa-debuginfo and Mesa-debugsource and get the baclktrace again?
I'm also openSUSE 12.1 user and I experience the same problem, it's just Diablo II instead of Civilization in my case. When I let Mesa use LLVM, Diablo II crashes before even displaying anything, it was reported at Wine bugzilla: Workaround is to use DRAW_USE_LLVM=0. I suspected some Mesa packaging issue, so I've switched to Mesa git and self-compiled it, but this didn't help. Then I decided to downgrade LLVM. I've compiled & installed version 2.8 (instead of 3.0 provided by openSUSE) and then recompiled Mesa (same commit and config). It worked! It seems there is some problem when using LLVM 3.0 with Wine. I guess we should try to find the regression in LLVM, however it will take a lot of time (llvm doesn't use git - no "git bisect" and I've to recompile Mesa every time I recompile llvm).
Note that / looks somewhat similar, although with a different backtrace and distribution. A comment in the Arch bug claims that compiling Mesa with -O1 instead of the default -O2 makes the bug go away.
(In reply to comment #7) > I'm also openSUSE 12.1 user and I experience the same problem, it's just Diablo > II instead of Civilization in my case. When I let Mesa use LLVM, Diablo II > crashes before even displaying anything, it was reported at Wine bugzilla: > > Workaround is to use DRAW_USE_LLVM=0. > > I suspected some Mesa packaging issue, so I've switched to Mesa git and > self-compiled it, but this didn't help. > > Then I decided to downgrade LLVM. I've compiled & installed version 2.8 > (instead of 3.0 provided by openSUSE) and then recompiled Mesa (same commit and > config). It worked! > > It seems there is some problem when using LLVM 3.0 with Wine. I guess we should > try to find the regression in LLVM, however it will take a lot of time (llvm > doesn't use git - no "git bisect" and I've to recompile Mesa every time I > recompile llvm). There is a LLVM git mirror: Is it possible that wine is doing OpenGL rendering from multiple threads? LLVM is not very thread safe at the moment.
Brian reminded me that this could be related to the LLVM 3.0's elimination of LLVMInvalidateStructLayout() A good thing to try is to replace all LLVMStructCreateNamed() calls with ordinary LLVMStructType(), as we don't use recursive types. I'll provide a patch for that later on.
Hmm, I'm mixing u(In reply to comment #10) > Brian reminded me that this could be related to the LLVM 3.0's elimination of > LLVMInvalidateStructLayout() > > A good thing to try is to replace all LLVMStructCreateNamed() calls with > ordinary LLVMStructType(), as we don't use recursive types. > > I'll provide a patch for that later on. I'm mixing up bugs. This comment only applies to bug 44466. This one seems different, and probably the best thing to do is to bisect.
(In reply to comment #9) > Is it possible that wine is doing OpenGL rendering from multiple threads? LLVM > is not very thread safe at the moment. We do use GL from multiple threads, depending on the application, but typically that means rendering from one thread and doing resource updates from others.
I confirm this bug, i try build mesa-git with standart static llvm-3.0 from opensuse and all DirectX games is unable to start. Now I use mesa-git and llvm-svn shared and do not have problems with DirectX games.
I've bisected LLVM to find the first bad commit. This resulted (in twice confirmed) commit: commit 42634836e999dfcb59f1f5ea50dfd33442be4b9a Author: Eric Christopher <> Date: Fri Sep 16 20:36:16 2011 +0000 Have the llvm configure process look for clang, then llvm-gcc, and then gcc on all platforms. git-svn-id: 91177308-0d34-0410-b5e6-96231b3b80d8 I've reported issue on the llvm bugzilla: Not sure what else I can do to help fixing this bug. Any more info you need from me?
Does that mean it ends up using Clang to compile llvm and then linking it with gcc compiled Mesa?
I think it is the case. Opensuse build llvm with a 3 stage process : At stage 1, it builds llvm + clang with gcc, At stage 2 it builds llvm + clang with the gcc created clang, At stage 3 it rebuilds llvm + clang with the clang created clang. IMHO before the incriminated commit the configure script didn't properly pick clang in the PATH and then the 3 stages were redundant, that's why it was working with LLVM 2.8 from opensuse. However it's weird that it does only affect opensuse.
(In reply to comment #16) > However it's weird that it does only affect opensuse. There could be several reasons, really. I'm not sure what versions of everything most distros are currently shipping, but you don't hit this if you built r600g without llvm or didn't link with llvm 3, and probably building llvm with gcc instead of clang will avoid it as well.
I still have a crash with a clang built Mesa. However the backtrace is different : Register dump: CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b EIP:7b0a8cef ESP:0033e698 EBP:0033e700 EFLAGS:00210212( R- -- I -A- - ) EAX:7c4a8358 EBX:7bbefff4 ECX:7bbefff4 EDX:7c4a83a8 ESI:7bbefff4 EDI:7bbd45bc Stack dump: 0x0033e698: 00001302 00172bd8 00000000 00000000 0x0033e6a8: 00000000 00000000 00110014 00000000 0x0033e6b8: 00172bf8 00000001 7c4a8358 00000000 0x0033e6c8: b7740ff4 0000001c b77423c0 000c54c8 0x0033e6d8: b764cd09 b764904e 00172bd8 00000005 0x0033e6e8: 7c33ab38 b77423c0 0000001c 7bbefff4 Backtrace: fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: d4 fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Only supporting one breg (edi/24 -> st5/133) fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 1 =>0 0x7b0a8cef dri_create_context+0x2f(api=<is not available>, visual=<has been optimized away by compiler>, cPriv=<is not available>, major_version=<is not available>, minor_version=<is not available>, flags=0, error=0x0(nil), sharedContextPrivate=0x0(nil)) [/home/vlj/mesa-8.0.1/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/dri_context.c:68] in (0x0033e700) fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 0 fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 0 fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 0 1 0x7b0a59bf driCreateContextAttribs+0x10e(screen=<has been optimized away by compiler>, api=<has been optimized away by compiler>, config=<has been optimized away by compiler>, shared=<is not available>, num_attribs=<internal error>, attribs=<internal error>, error=<has been optimized away by compiler>, data=<has been optimized away by compiler>) [/home/vlj/mesa-8.0.1/src/gallium/targets/dri-swrast/../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/common/drisw_util.c:178] in (0x0033e750) fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 0 fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 0 fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 0 fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 9e 2 0x7b0a5572 driCreateNewContext+0x51(psp=0x33e758, config=0x33e758, shared=0x33e758, data=0x33e758) [/home/vlj/mesa-8.0.1/src/gallium/targets/dri-swrast/../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/common/drisw_util.c:195] in (0x0033e780) fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: c8 3 0x7d4ddc33 drisw_create_context+0xd2(base=<is not available>, config_base=<has been optimized away by compiler>, shareList=<internal error>, renderType=0x33e788) [/home/vlj/mesa-8.0.1/src/glx/drisw_glx.c:404] in (0x0033e7b0) fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: c7 fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: 0 4 0x7d4b8453 CreateContext+0x92(dpy=<is not available>, generic_id=<internal error>, config=<is not available>, shareList_user=<is not available>, allowDirect=<is not available>, code=<is not available>, renderType=<has been optimized away by compiler>, screen=<is not available>) [/home/vlj/mesa-8.0.1/src/glx/glxcmds.c:276] in (0x0033e7f0) fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:compute_location Unhandled attr op: d1 5 0x7d4b83ac glXCreateContext+0xcb(dpy=<internal error>, vis=<is not available>, shareList=<has been optimized away by compiler>, allowDirect=<has been optimized away by compiler>) [/home/vlj/mesa-8.0.1/src/glx/glxcmds.c:381] in (0x0033e840) 6 0x7df03db2 in winex11 (+0x43db1) (0x00000015) 7 0x7df08105 in winex11 (+0x48104) (0x00000015) 8 0x7e9490a2 wglCreateContext+0x61() in gdi32 (0x01d04068) 9 0x7d540bab in wined3d (+0x30baa) (0x01d04068) 10 0x7d5e3ace in wined3d (+0xd3acd) (0x00000048) 11 0x7d5e401f wined3d_swapchain_create+0x7e() in wined3d (0x0033ed98) 12 0x7d65997f in ddraw (+0x997e) (0x0033ec40) 13 0x7d551de8 wined3d_device_init_3d+0x237() in wined3d (0x0016a188) 14 0x7d65cbdd in ddraw (+0xcbdc) (0x00133278) 15 0x7d65df89 in ddraw (+0xdf88) (0x00000000) 0x7b0a8cef dri_create_context+0x2f [/home/vlj/mesa-8.0.1/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/sw/dri_context.c:68] in 68 memset(&attribs, 0, sizeof(attribs)); Clang is more strict about C compliance (I experienced crashes because of a uninitialized pointer that passed with gcc) so this output should be taken with a grain of salt as it might be unrelated to the current bug. I'm attaching valgrinds report with clang built mesa and gcc built mesa.
Created attachment 57892 [details] valgrind report using clang built mesa 8.0.1
Created attachment 57893 [details] valgrind report using gcc built mesa 8.0.1 (and clang built llvm)
(In reply to comment #19) > Created attachment 57892 [details] > valgrind report using clang built mesa 8.0.1 How did you compile mesa with clang? Did you set "CC=clang" and "CXX=clang++"? I am just wondering because I get errors in core parts:
(In reply to comment #10) > Brian reminded me that this could be related to the LLVM 3.0's elimination of > LLVMInvalidateStructLayout() > > A good thing to try is to replace all LLVMStructCreateNamed() calls with > ordinary LLVMStructType(), as we don't use recursive types. > > I'll provide a patch for that later on. Any news about this patch ?
Created attachment 61717 [details] [review] patch w/ workaround attempt
Please re-try with latest master which includes commit 9af1ba565dfd5cef9ee938bb7c04767d14878fbf Author: José Fonseca <> Date: Wed May 16 15:00:23 2012 +0100 draw,llvmpipe: Avoid named struct types on LLVM 3.0 and later. Starting with LLVM 3.0, named structures are meant not for debugging, but for recursive data types, previously also known as opaque types. The recursive nature of these types leads to several memory management difficulties. Given that we don't actually need recursive types, avoid them altogether. This is an attempt to address fdo bugs 41791 and 44466. The issue is somewhat random so there's no easy way to check how effective this is. And if that doesn't work, try the attached path w/ another workaround attempt.
Merging with bug 44466. Seems the same issue. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 44466 ***
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