Created attachment 53696 [details] nokia_n950 mpi file Adding mpi file for Nokia N950 I'm not sure if all the OutputFormats are supported, tested everything but 3gp. Also, in my distribution (archlinux) libmtp udev rule has more priority than media-player-info so ID_MEDIA_PLAYER gets replaced by "1". Is this a bug in my distro or upstream? Thanks.
Thanks! Pushed. The order of m-p-i and libmtp rules should not matter much, as the two shouldn't overlap. m-p-i is not supposed to have any data for MTP players. If you find some, please report a bug (or just mail me), so that I can remove them. Thank you!
Ups, seems that I got it wrong the first time, just to be sure: m-p-i is only for storage based media players (something that can be mount) and ipod but not MTP, so: If MTP is detected, mtp udev rule will set ID_MEDIA_PLAYER to 1 overwritting m-p-i If not, m-p-i will set the name of the mpi file. Is that right ? in that case the usb id should be changed to: DeviceMatch=usb:0421:03d1; which is the used usb id when N950 is in "storage mode" Going to reopen the bug just to be sure.
Ah, your original file said "storage" and the internet's databases don't yet know about the 950, so I had to trust that. Thanks for the followup! I fixed the product ID in git.
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