Hi *, dbus 0.60 When launching dbus-deamon --system without that the user (default: "messagebus") exists, it will exit immediately with an exit-status of 0, leading to messages like: # /etc/rc.d/init.d/messagebus start Starting system message bus: [ OK ] without any instance of dbus-daemon running at all. The init-script should fail if the deamon cannot be started (no matter for what reason) Thank you.
Ok, so what is happening is we are forking before we drop privlages and the parent exits fine. We have a couple of options: Check if the user exists before we fork. or Keep the parent around until we start up and establish a pipe so they can communicate. 2 sounds better because it will solve any issues where we abort in the child. This is not a priority though so it make take some time to get a patch.
Adding to 1.0 blocker list
Another (hacky) approach is to just have the init script sleep for a second or two and then check for the pid file...
This was fixed recently
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