Bug 58516 - FORMATTING: Line border widths / styles around a paragraph do not display correctly
Summary: FORMATTING: Line border widths / styles around a paragraph do not display cor...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: Other Windows (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: BSA
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Reported: 2012-12-19 12:33 UTC by tschubert
Modified: 2018-08-01 15:48 UTC (History)
0 users

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odt Document where the problem can be seen. (33.93 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2012-12-19 12:33 UTC, tschubert

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Description tschubert 2012-12-19 12:33:46 UTC
Created attachment 71802 [details]
odt Document where the problem can be seen.

Frame styles around paragraphs are assigned confusingly and different to previous versions. Should work like before.
Operating System: Windows XP
Version: release
Comment 1 Owen Genat (retired) 2013-11-21 12:46:07 UTC
Altered summary to more accurately reflect the described issues (i.e., not frames). There are two distinctly separate issues reported here related to line border widths and styles: (1) handling of old content via copy / paste; (2) display of the UI line style element being dependent upon line width. Issue (2) would appear to be at least partly related to bug 47194 and may in fact be a duplicate. Comments 2 and 3 in that bug indicate that v3.5 saw a change in the available border widths and styles that affected old (pre-v3.5) documents, which is likely what issue (1) is. 

Dealing with issue (1), in the provided document the original paragraph (circa 2009: OOo v2.4-3.1, with "double line, 0.05 pt") has the XML:

> <style:style style:name="P12" ...>
>    <style:paragraph-properties ... style:border-line-width="0.002cm 0.035cm 0.002cm" 
>    fo:padding="0.3cm" fo:border="1.11pt double #000000" ...

... which is a ~0.06pt line + 0.99pt gap + ~0.06pt line. When this paragraph is copied (v3.6.2.3 is indicated) to the second paragraph example it becomes:

> <style:style style:name="P8" ...>
>    <style:paragraph-properties style:border-line-width="0.012cm 0.012cm 0.012cm" 
>    fo:padding="0.3cm" fo:border="1.05pt double #000000"

... which is a ~0.34pt line + 0.34pt gap + ~0.34pt line, which indicates the visible difference, even at a zoomed level. Conversely, copying the original paragraph under Ubuntu 10.04 running v4.1.3.2 results in:

>    ... style:border-line-width="0.002cm 0.035cm 0.002cm" 
>    fo:padding="8.5pt" fo:border="1.11pt double #000000"

... which is identical to the original. It therefore seems possible that this issue (1) has been at least partially resolved under newer versions although it would be good if this could be confirmed.
Comment 2 Owen Genat (retired) 2013-11-21 12:49:46 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> >    fo:padding="8.5pt" 

This value in the last example should read "0.3cm" (I copied the wrong piece of code).
Comment 3 jaimes 2014-10-26 20:08:48 UTC
(In reply> Created attachment 71802 [details]

REPRO STEPS: downloaded Document where the problem can be seen.
> Frame styles around paragraphs are assigned confusingly and different to
> previous versions. Should work like before.
> Operating System: Windows XP
> Version: release

Able to reproduce running LibreOffice on Mac OSX 10.9.5

Copying and pasting old paragraph with 0.5px. double-lined border works. Opening border styles and closing without changes recreates the issue reported above and shown in the attached file. The border shows as a thick single line in the preview (although double-lined and 0.5px is shown as selected). The screen shows ~ 1px thick, single-lined border.
Comment 4 QA Administrators 2015-12-20 16:09:27 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 5 QA Administrators 2017-01-03 19:47:07 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 6 Timur 2018-08-01 15:48:04 UTC
This is one of those old, lost issues. 
"making frames around a paragraph produces noticably different results to previous versions which leads into inconsistent design of documents that either already exist or that are created newly. In my memory, the problem did already exist in version 3.5."
Looking now, I don't think it can be "solved" by reverting to OO 3.3 state. 

There's been changes and you can submit a new bug. But please first search, there are many unresolved border bugs. 
While I thank you for submitting and the effort, I feel closing is appropriate. There are no other bug followers.