That bug has been opened on "This could be bug in some other package, but it shows in evince. evince.pdf shows correctly with warty and hoary (live-cd:s). Problems occur with breezy-live and dapper installed. See attached file. test bug with this attachment. This is how it should be. Problem isn't oo2 exporting. shows original .odt with .pdf not showed correctly in same screenshot. Kpdf is like evince but KGhostView shows it like it is. shows difference of output of these programs."
Yet another bug that kpdf 3.5.1 shows correctly and poppler CVS that has 99% similar code not :-S have to investigate further
Will work on next 0.5.x release, if you still have a problem in that you see "something" inside the box but it is not a check, the problem is that your distribution does not have a correct fontconfig substitution for ZapfDingbats font, see for more info.
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