Bug 69587 - Incorrect rendering
Summary: Incorrect rendering
Alias: None
Product: poppler
Classification: Unclassified
Component: cairo backend (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other All
: medium normal
Assignee: poppler-bugs
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Reported: 2013-09-19 18:51 UTC by Janne Kujanpää
Modified: 2018-08-20 21:51 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description Janne Kujanpää 2013-09-19 18:51:19 UTC
I have following installed in my Debian sid:
ii  evince                 3.8.3-2                           i386         Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer
ii  libpoppler-glib8:i386  0.18.4-8                          i386         PDF rendering library (GLib-based shared library)
ii  libpoppler19:i386      0.18.4-8                          i386         PDF rendering library

Evince and libpoppler renders http://pikakartta.kapsi.fi/kartta.php?E=244156&N=6711314&leveys=140&korkeus=140&mittakaava=10000 incorrectly. Green areas(called "Ls.alue") has green dashed line and green wide line with diagonal pattern inside the areas. Libpoppler render line with pattern as rectangular are. Gs and STDU viewer render file without problems.

STDU viewer render example: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9763349/libpoppler-pikakartta.PNG
Comment 1 Albert Astals Cid 2013-09-25 18:21:56 UTC
Cairo backend problem, works well with splash/okular/pdftoppm
Comment 2 GitLab Migration User 2018-08-20 21:51:37 UTC
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