Hi, currently (as of 0.5.3) the qt bindings are completely unusable if one tells configure to enable them and disable the splash output. It misses the libpoppler-splash symbols which isn't noticed at link time because -Wl,--no-undefined is not used. A valid fix would be to disable the qt bindings if splash is disabled. Bye PS: and libpoppler-qt doesn't link against qt either but this is probably not needed as anything using the qt bindings will be linked against qt itself.
* Doctor, Doctor, if i cut my legs i can't walk! * Then don't cut your legs! Now seriously ;-) I wonder why anyone would want to disable splash besides having a marginally smaller lib. I could try to do some ifdefing because poppler-qt frontend could still usable if you don't have splash, for example to query about document properties but probably i'll disable it enterely.
By the way, HOW are you disable splash? I've used --disable-splash-output --enable-splash-output=false --enable-splash-output=no and still got splash output: yes at the end, this is using CVS version.
It was "--disable-splash-output --enable-cairo-output --enable-poppler-glib --enable-poppler-qt". We had this in Ubuntu for some time because a developer thought they were mutually exclusive and the qt bindings use cairo too... well, both are enabled now but it would be nice nonetheless to prevent such things in the future via configure :)
fixed in cvs
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