Recently CSS added the rebeccapurple ( #663399 ) to their color list which is mostly based on the X11 color list. See Seems like it might make sense to include this color in rgb.txt as well to minimize the difference between the two color lists.
Created attachment 101547 [details] [review] Adds the color
Created attachment 101551 [details] [review] Add missing CSS color terms Update rgb.txt to include missing CSS color names. Adding aqua, lime, fuchsia, crimson, indigo, olive, rebecca purple, silver and teal.
Created attachment 101552 [details] [review] Add aliases for conflicting color terms This patch adds alias for the 4 colors that differ between X11 and HTML/CSS colors. Using a prefix of X11 for the original X11 colors, and a prefix of Web for the HTML/CSS colors.
Thanks for the patches - I've pushed them to git master of the rgb module: To ssh:// 107c0c2..ca05c39 master -> master However, X clients who query colors from the X server via the X protocol will not see them until the table built into the X server sources is regenerated. Right now, the X server is only taking critical bug fixes in preperation for the xorg-server-1.16 release - once that's done, the window will reopen for enhancements and less critical bug fixes, and we'll be able to update the color tables then.
(In reply to comment #4) > Thanks for the patches - I've pushed them to git master of the rgb module: > > To ssh:// > 107c0c2..ca05c39 master -> master > > However, X clients who query colors from the X server via the X protocol will > not see them until the table built into the X server sources is regenerated. > Right now, the X server is only taking critical bug fixes in preperation for > the xorg-server-1.16 release - once that's done, the window will reopen for > enhancements and less critical bug fixes, and we'll be able to update the > color tables then. Thanks, I added an updated patch to bug 52289 to handle the server side, for once 1.16 has been released.
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