Bug 90812 - [ALL bisected]Steam games CS/half life 2/team fortress/portal blocked by segment fault
Summary: [ALL bisected]Steam games CS/half life 2/team fortress/portal blocked by segm...
Alias: None
Product: Mesa
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Drivers/DRI/i965 (show other bugs)
Version: git
Hardware: Other All
: high major
Assignee: Ian Romanick
QA Contact: Intel 3D Bugs Mailing List
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-06-02 08:10 UTC by Ding Heng
Modified: 2015-07-08 06:21 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:

xorg log (19.37 KB, text/plain)
2015-06-02 08:10 UTC, Ding Heng

Description Ding Heng 2015-06-02 08:10:01 UTC
Created attachment 116231 [details]
xorg log

System Environment:
Regression: yes
Platform: IVB/BDW

Mesa bisect result:

3dec892d9b873f6c8a2a963a7646af90ada361bc is the first bad commit
commit 3dec892d9b873f6c8a2a963a7646af90ada361bc
Author: Iago Toral Quiroga <itoral@igalia.com>
Date:   Mon May 25 09:40:01 2015 +0200

    docs: Mark ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object as in progress

    Reviewed-by: Chris Forbes <chrisf@ijw.co.nz>

:040000 040000 b284efc9add5a0edded7bd9b4050e250cb0d562e 7f9cc0e197fa68dc0e9995493d37bb31c013e4b9 M   docs

Bug detailed description:

These games will segment fault:
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
SDL video target is 'x11'
SDL video target is 'x11'
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_fence.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_NV_fence.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_sync.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers2.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_bindable_uniform.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_map_buffer_range.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_occlusion_query.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_texture_range.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_APPLE_client_storage.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_GREMEDY_string_marker.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ARB_debug_output.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_direct_state_access.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_NV_bindless_texture.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_AMD_pinned_memory.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GL_ATI_meminfo.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3.
This system supports the OpenGL extension GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5.
This system DOES NOT support the OpenGL extension GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear.
GL_NV_bindless_texture: DISABLED
GL_AMD_pinned_memory: DISABLED
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode: AVAILABLE
Using breakpad crash handler
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 240
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.so.
crash_20150602155858_1.dmp[17581]: Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy 'http://proxy01.cd.intel.com:911']
./hl2.sh: line 67: 17571 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ${GAME_DEBUGGER} "${GAMEROOT}"/${GAMEEXE} "$@"
root@x-bdw09:/usr/local/games/OpenGL/Counter-Strike Source# crash_20150602155858_1.dmp[17581]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no
crash_20150602155858_1.dmp[17581]: error: HTTP response code said error
crash_20150602155858_1.dmp[17581]: file ''/tmp/dumps/crash_20150602155858_1.dmp'', upload no: ''HTTP response code said error''

Reproduce steps:

Run game manually and check the output
Comment 1 wendy.wang 2015-06-03 02:40:41 UTC
This issue happened on all GFX performance testing platforms: IVB/HSW/BYT/BDW/BSW/SKL

Below steam games running will be blocked by the bad commit: 
Half-Life 2
Team Fortress 2
Comment 2 Matt Turner 2015-06-03 04:21:38 UTC
The bisected commit is clearly incorrect... it was just changing some documentation.
Comment 3 Tapani Pälli 2015-06-05 06:43:15 UTC
Maybe something is wrong in the environment? I've just tried Half-Life 2 with Mesa git 78395db on Haswell and it worked just fine.
Comment 4 Tapani Pälli 2015-06-08 11:04:44 UTC
> [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a
> running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.so.

Please try also with steam running, maybe this is what made it fail?
Comment 5 ye.tian 2015-06-09 08:57:45 UTC
It can work with steam running.
Comment 6 Tapani Pälli 2015-06-09 09:34:54 UTC
(In reply to ye.tian from comment #5)
> It can work with steam running.

Some forums indicate that the failure with SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() can happen if steam launcher and client are of different versions. Another speculative reason is that maybe Valve has added a stricter check for their games with SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() (just like some other vendors do), you must have steam running, otherwise there is no game.
Comment 7 wendy.wang 2015-07-08 06:21:58 UTC
Issue disappeared on the latest gfx sw stack, so close this issue as fixed.

 Libdrm:		(master)libdrm-2.4.62-1-g676c806d0221a7ea375676b2eab514c426fcacd3
 Mesa:		(master)fc2726e4afa6dfb691affed576a38d2b0573465b
 Xf86_video_intel:		(master)2.99.917-375-ge5c6e48cc9e11f659d0d9d1b907357e28a554e9f
 Cairo:		(master)2cf2d8e340a325adb205baf8e4bd64e1d1858008
 Libva:		(master)5d07b29687db6d17811b7ecf9b779377e9851a27
 Libva_intel_driver:		(master)7bb3658212f49a6f8d3d61b0b5d161aca73c2a11
 Kernel:   (drm-intel-nightly)d3bfe353e9d921645bea1de9a1a20a6d1cdd355e

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