Bug 94929 - unplug and replug HDMI ,the HDMI not display in Xwindows
Summary: unplug and replug HDMI ,the HDMI not display in Xwindows
Alias: None
Product: DRI
Classification: Unclassified
Component: DRM/Intel (show other bugs)
Version: DRI git
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: yuechao.zhao
QA Contact: yuechao.zhao
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-04-14 06:18 UTC by yuechao.zhao
Modified: 2017-06-30 23:37 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
i915 platform: SKL
i915 features: display/DP, display/HDMI

dmesg log (73.15 KB, text/plain)
2016-04-14 06:29 UTC, yuechao.zhao
no flags Details

Description yuechao.zhao 2016-04-14 06:18:21 UTC

Comment 1 yuechao.zhao 2016-04-14 06:29:52 UTC
Created attachment 122917 [details]
dmesg log
Comment 2 yuechao.zhao 2016-04-14 06:35:00 UTC
OS:Fedora 22
CPU:E3-1225 v5
BIOS version:5.11
bug:In Xwindows,unplug and replug HDMI,the HDMI not display
kernel message has one error:[drm] failed to retrieve link info, disabling eDP
Comment 3 anusha 2016-07-11 18:49:22 UTC
Can you give me the hardware configuration? I am trying on a NUC and a hp monitor.
Comment 4 Chris Wilson 2016-07-11 20:15:39 UTC
xrandr --verbose for

1. monitor plugged in,
2. monitor unplugged,
3. monitor plugged back

to confirm that the HDMI's connection is not being reported correctly.
Comment 5 yuechao.zhao 2016-07-12 01:53:59 UTC
(In reply to anusha from comment #3)
> Can you give me the hardware configuration? I am trying on a NUC and a hp
> monitor.

(In reply to Chris Wilson from comment #4)
> xrandr --verbose for
> 1. monitor plugged in,
> 2. monitor unplugged,
> 3. monitor plugged back
> to confirm that the HDMI's connection is not being reported correctly.

(In reply to Chris Wilson from comment #4)
> xrandr --verbose for
> 1. monitor plugged in,
> 2. monitor unplugged,
> 3. monitor plugged back
> to confirm that the HDMI's connection is not being reported correctly.

I try it on text mode and modify drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_hotplug.c
                                      struct intel_encoder *intel_encoder;
                                      struct drm_connector *connector;
                                      bool changed = false;
                                      u32 hpd_event_bits;
                                      //add by me
                                      int i;
                                      }//add end

Then,the hotplug will be ok. But in Xwindows,unplug and replug HDMI,the HDMI also not display.So,I doubt that is  Xwindow problem.
Comment 6 yuechao.zhao 2016-07-12 02:31:24 UTC
(In reply to anusha from comment #3)
> Can you give me the hardware configuration? I am trying on a NUC and a hp
> monitor.

I try it on a Acer al2216w and a ViewSonic VA2010wb monitor.
CPU:E3-1225 v5
South Bridge:C236
Comment 7 Jari Tahvanainen 2017-03-08 11:21:53 UTC
Anusha - any news from your side? 
yuechao.zhao@advantech.com.cn - Are you still seeing this? Maybe you have details also from newer kernel on Fedora 23, 24 or 25.
Comment 8 yuechao.zhao 2017-03-09 01:09:00 UTC
Dear Jari Tahvanainen
Thank you so much
I already fixed this bug on my kernel. There seems to be a problem with the i915 driver. The driver will be enter power-save modes when unplug HDMI.But We can not wake up it when replug HDMI So,I remove this function.
Then, this bug will be closed
Comment 9 Jani Nikula 2017-03-09 10:52:55 UTC
(In reply to yuechao.zhao from comment #8)
> Dear Jari Tahvanainen
> Thank you so much
> I already fixed this bug on my kernel. There seems to be a problem with the
> i915 driver. The driver will be enter power-save modes when unplug HDMI.But
> We can not wake up it when replug HDMI So,I remove this function.
> Then, this bug will be closed

If it's a bug in upstream kernel, having it fixed in your kernel is not good enough for us.

It looks like you didn't reply to Chris' requests. I think it's unclear if you have a userspace component responding to hotplug uevents too.
Comment 10 yuechao.zhao 2017-03-10 02:01:50 UTC
Dear Jani Nikula
Thank for your answer.
I'm sorry. I forget CHris' requests.
About Chris' requests.I try it about half a year before.The HDMI's connection being reported correctly when I unplug HDMI and replug HDMI on first time(drm and i915 debug mode to be opened).But when I unplug HDMI and replug HDMI on second time,it don't report any kernel message.The driver already enter power-save mode and cann't wake it up in any way.

Anyway, I only want to HDMI can hotpulg.So I remove "enter power-save" function.This change not affect the performance of my system.
But the HDMI's hotplug issue may be our hardware design issues or BIOS issues.I'm not going to try to pursue it any furthe because I have not enough time.

Thank for your help.

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