When recording the secondary command buffer with the inheritance of the VkRenderPass but without known VkFramebuffer, the driver crashes. For example, setting the VkCommandBufferInheritanceInfo to: inheritance.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_INHERITANCE_INFO; inheritance.renderPass = validRenderPass; inheritance.subpass = 0; inheritance.framebuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; // not known yet VkFramebuffer object inheritance.flags = VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT; It will result in the crash in the vkCmdDraw() as the driver expects the framebuffer is not NULL. However, the specification says: "framebuffer optionally refers to the VkFramebuffer object that the VkCommandBuffer will be rendering to if it is executed within a render pass instance. It can be VK_NULL_HANDLE if the framebuffer is not known, or if the VkCommandBuffer will not be executed within a render pass instance." Which means, using VK_NULL_HANDLE is absolutely valid from the application point of view and driver should not crash.
Thanks for the bug report! This is a known bug and I'm working on fixing it. Unfortunately, the fix is going to be a bit painful so it may take some time.
I can confirm this bug. If I set inheritance.framebuffer for just one framebuffer in swapchain, I can see the rendered scene for roughly 1/4th of frames for using 4 swapchain framebuffers.
Maybe a bit offtopic: If a vulkan developer supposed to provide separate secondary comamand buffers for each framebuffer, wouldn't it be an overkill to generate 4x as many secondary command buffers(for the whole scene graph)? I don't see how I can avoid the last restrictions (1 node = one command buffer) because each model needs different buffers. Even if one uses one giant Buffor for all vertices and ubos, each model nees different textures -> this means different descriptor sets -> which means different command buffers. Even if you update the same descriptor set, you still may have different pipelines for some models. I would have thought setting inheritance.framebuffer to VK_NULL_HANDLE would be the most usual case, unless it's a fixed demo.
I just landed a major rework of color attachments that fixes this.
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