Bug 98476 - NVIDIA 370.28: Failed to create compositor backend
Summary: NVIDIA 370.28: Failed to create compositor backend
Alias: None
Product: Wayland
Classification: Unclassified
Component: weston (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Wayland bug list
QA Contact:
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Reported: 2016-10-28 16:52 UTC by Anders
Modified: 2016-10-28 17:32 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:


Description Anders 2016-10-28 16:52:09 UTC
Opened /dev/tty3
Ran $ weston-launch -- --use-egl-device

weston 1.12.0
Build: 1.11.94-2-ga08dff5 configure.ac: bump to version 1.12.0 for the official release (2016-09-20 12:22:46 -0700)
Command line: /usr/bin/weston --use-egl-device
OS: Linux, 4.7.6-1-ARCH, #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 30 19:28:42 CEST 2016, x86_64
Using config file '/home/[...]/.config/weston.ini'
Output repaint window is 7 ms maximum.
Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-1/drm-backend.so'
initializing drm backend
logind: session control granted
using /dev/dri/card0
Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-1/gl-renderer.so'
EGL client extensions: EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses
EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_EXT_platform_base
EGL_EXT_platform_x11 EGL_EXT_platform_wayland
EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_EXT_device_base
failed to initialize egl
fatal: Failed to create compositor backend

I don't know if this is helpful, but I hope so. I would like to contribute in some way. Thanks
Comment 1 Daniel Stone 2016-10-28 17:32:38 UTC
1.12 does not include the EGLDevice patches. Either you are actually using a patched 1.12 from somewhere (in which case, please file a bug with NVIDIA), or your Weston does not have the patches required. Thanks!

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