Bug 98985 - [bdw-U] [broadwell-u] i915 multiple display halt system when moving windows i5-5200U i5-5287U
Summary: [bdw-U] [broadwell-u] i915 multiple display halt system when moving windows i...
Alias: None
Product: DRI
Classification: Unclassified
Component: DRM/Intel (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium critical
Assignee: Intel GFX Bugs mailing list
QA Contact: Intel GFX Bugs mailing list
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-12-03 19:38 UTC by Harry
Modified: 2017-07-24 22:39 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
i915 platform: BDW
i915 features:


Description Harry 2016-12-03 19:38:17 UTC
When moving certain windows across displays, the system may suddenly halt and has to be powered off

Either the window being dragged suddenly jumps to the top-left position of the external display to the right (ie. display 2, the first external display) and the system halts, or the system halts while the window is being dragged across the internal display

Affected applications:
Virtual Machine Manager, Vuirtual Machine window
LibreOffice Writer

Other problem
If a Libre Office Writer window is opened on the internal display, ie by launching LibreOffice Writer, the system halts.

Critical: in-app data loss, fsck data loss, forced system reboot

Do not drag halting apps between displays
To move a LibreOffice Writer window, close it, and launch LibreOffice from a terminal window on the destination display. On command libreoffice --writer, LibreOffice opens on the display where
the terminal window is located.
For Virtual machines, close the window, move virtual machine manager to the destination display and open the virtual machine window there.

The halt is similar to how the system halts when the kernel command line parameter i915.enable_rc6=0 is missing.

uname --nodename --kernel-release --kernel-version && date --utc --rfc-3339=date && lsb_release --description --codename --short && dpkg --status libwayland-server0 | egrep "(^V|^Pa)" && dpkg --status gnome-session | egrep "(^V|^Pa)"
c89 4.8.0-28-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 11 14:03:52 UTC 2016
Ubuntu 16.10
Package: libwayland-server0
Version: 1.11.0-2
Package: gnome-session
Version: 3.20.2-1ubuntu7
Comment 2 Harry 2016-12-03 19:42:14 UTC
The internal display is HiDPI
Two external displays are low dpi
Comment 3 Harry 2016-12-17 04:00:05 UTC
This is in fact not a kernel crash, it is in user space.
So it’s GNOME breaking

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