Bug 99183 - [PATCH] rtpbitrateadapter: should make no adaption by default
Summary: [PATCH] rtpbitrateadapter: should make no adaption by default
Alias: None
Product: Farstream
Classification: Unclassified
Component: RTP Plugin (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: Other All
: medium normal
Assignee: Olivier Crête
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Reported: 2016-12-22 15:24 UTC by Jakub Adam
Modified: 2016-12-22 19:29 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
i915 platform:
i915 features:

0001-rtpbitrateadapter-should-make-no-adaption-by-default.patch (1.24 KB, patch)
2016-12-22 15:24 UTC, Jakub Adam
Details | Splinter Review

Description Jakub Adam 2016-12-22 15:24:49 UTC
Created attachment 128636 [details] [review]

Description of "bitrate" property says 0 (the default value) means
the element performs no adaption, and so one would assume it would
remain passive until "bitrate" is set to some nonzero value. However,
when "bitrate" is left unset, the adapter instead requests video in tiny
128x96 resolution on its sink pad.

In order for fs_rtp_bitrate_adapter_getcaps() to return peer_caps by
default, the value of FsRtpBitrateAdapter::bitrate has to be initialized
Comment 1 Olivier Crête 2016-12-22 19:29:15 UTC
I merged a slightly improved version of your patch, where I also fixed th edocumenation to match the code.

commit 11dde55cbaf5179e8e1885cf1483e538a8d5a4a9
Author: Jakub Adam <jakub.adam@ktknet.cz>
Date:   Thu Apr 14 15:17:50 2016 +0200

    rtpbitrateadapter: should make no adaption by default
    Description of "bitrate" property says 0 (the default value) means
    the element performs no adaption, and so one would assume it would
    remain passive until "bitrate" is set to some nonzero value. However,
    when "bitrate" is left unset, the adapter instead requests video in tiny
    128x96 resolution on its sink pad.
    In order for fs_rtp_bitrate_adapter_getcaps() to return peer_caps by
    default, the value of FsRtpBitrateAdapter::bitrate has to be initialized
    to G_MAXUINT.
    Also fix the comments to say that MAXUINT is no adaptation.

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