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Bug # Dupe
Change in last
7 day(s)
Component Severity Priority Target Milestone Summary
7116 3 0 * Other normal high --- setuid return fixes
12858 2 0 * Other major high --- Keyboard events tend to escape.
53627 2 0 Administration normal medium --- Apache on anarchy keeps wedging
8160 2 0 App/compiz normal high --- Autodetect x-acceleration (xgl, aiglx) in compiz
11439 2 0 App/compiz normal high --- Black screen on rotation
3928 2 0 App/other normal high --- fnttosfnt: too many characters in string initializition
5047 2 0 App/xfs normal high --- fonts don't seem to work with :unscaled in xfs
95379 2 0 App/xinit blocker medium --- Connection from remote server refused
96260 9 0 App/xinit normal medium --- patch for startx that enables IGLX
606 3 0 App/xkbcomp major high --- [XKB] Error activating XKB configuration.
1979 3 0 App/xterm normal high --- Update xterm to #197
37405 10 0 BASIC normal medium --- Undo is broken
54000 2 0 BASIC critical medium --- 3.5.6 release Static Variable Error
64314 2 0 BASIC major medium --- Macro recording tracker bug ...
70079 3 0 BASIC normal medium --- Basic: after sheets.copybyname or sheets.remove basic-variable points to wrong sheet
20250 3 0 Bugzilla major medium --- freedesktop bug database uses certificate signed by CA not recognized by Mozilla
45717 3 0 Bugzilla normal medium --- notifications from bugzilla-daemon@freedesktop.org send from both PST and from my local time zone
4720 5 0 Build/Modular major high --- modular xf86-video-* are missing -DXvExtension
5801 2 0 Build/Modular major high --- MTRR support is not enabled on at least Linux/x86-64
6707 4 0 Build/Modular normal high --- problem when configuring modular Xorg on mingw

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