Tue Dec 3 2024 17:35:49 UTC
Bugzilla would like to put a random quip here, but no one has entered any.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
14078 xorg Server/I daniel RESO DUPL Support for Logitech Wave 2008-12-22
23538 xorg Input/ev peter.hutterer RESO DUPL DiNovo Edge Zoom keys 2009-10-08
26876 xorg Input/ev peter.hutterer RESO DUPL Logitech DiNovo Edge zoom buttons not triggering any events in xev 2010-03-04
98998 xorg Input/ev peter.hutterer RESO DUPL evdev: Define more Input API symbols 2019-10-22
14843 xorg Input/ev warp-spam+fdo RESO DUPL Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 has unsupported keys 2008-03-05
13203 xorg Input/Ke xorg-team RESO DUPL [XKB] XkbMaxLegalKeyCode needs increased 2007-11-12
13356 xorg Input/ev warp-spam+fdo RESO DUPL Keycodes problems with Logitech LX710 2011-09-19
7 bugs found.


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