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87 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
38336 papyon general NEW --- Exception "contact already exists" when trying to accept an invitation 2011-09-01
23420 papyon general lfrb NEW --- Limit the size of display names 2009-08-19
28439 papyon general lfrb NEW --- Traceback (KeyError) when user left a conversation with more than one user 2010-06-08
29315 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Server is too busy causes unhandled traceback 2010-07-30
30066 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Chat stops working after a while 2010-09-07
30625 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnboundLocalError in _handle_UBX() 2010-10-05
31430 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- unhandled content-types on first switchboard message 2010-11-06
31431 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- exception with content_roaming total_fail 2010-11-06
31527 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- error: pop from empty list 2010-11-10
36258 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- assert(self.state == ProtocolState.OPEN) AssertionError 2011-07-28
36774 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- add_messenger_contact minor bug 2011-05-02
36895 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- tests package is installed stupidly 2011-05-06
37098 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- telepathy-butterfly crashed with TypeError: _on_session_completed() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given) 2011-05-13
37727 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Deprecated code 2011-05-29
37962 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- papyon does not handle NOT after remote invitation request 2011-09-06
38358 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Papyon doesn't connect to MSN Network 2011-08-14
38607 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Offline Messages various issues 2011-08-16
39471 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Weird behaviour when chatting with contacts using Trillian 2011-09-18
39932 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Avatar not display in emesene 2.11.7 2011-08-08
40039 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Some messages not received, sometimes also sent. 2011-09-01
40542 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Cannot remove profile picture 2011-09-01
40653 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- AssertionError: Trying to append a chunk to the wrong blob 2011-09-06
41587 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Contacts are not visible when isMessengerUser == false 2012-02-08
50392 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Depends on farsight incompatible with farstream 2012-05-27
56809 papyon general papyon-bugs NEW --- Fields are not ordered for some MIME packets 2012-12-22
27550 papyon general telepathy-bugs NEW --- KeyError in P2PSessionManager. _on_blob_received() 2010-04-09
27557 papyon general telepathy-bugs NEW --- telepathy-butterfly crashed with IndexError in __init__() 2010-04-09
27558 papyon general telepathy-bugs NEW --- telepathy-butterfly crashed with IndexError in _on_response_received() 2010-04-09
27562 papyon general telepathy-bugs NEW --- telepathy-butterfly crashed with AttributeError in _send_chunk() 2010-04-28
23204 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE papyon/service/AddressBook/scenario/contacts/ Missing 2009-08-07
26447 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Problem with content roaming in papyon 2010-04-14
22552 papyon general ali.sabil RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with ParseError in parse() 2010-03-22
22553 papyon general ali.sabil RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with ValueError in parse() 2010-04-07
23374 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Dupe contact in chat window 2010-03-12
23389 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Papyon is not able to load all my msn contacts 2009-08-18
23878 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment in 2009-09-14
23881 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE KeyError: 'audio' in 2009-11-15
23956 papyon general lfrb RESO DUPL TypeError: _client_capability_changed() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given) 2009-09-22
24042 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Missing argument in _client_capability_changed() definition 2009-09-22
24121 papyon general lfrb RESO DUPL ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack in 2010-04-07
24164 papyon general lfrb RESO INVA python exception every time I receive a message 2009-10-09
24223 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Unable to login into msn, unicode conversion error 2009-09-30
24236 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE crashed with NameError in __group_contact_delete_errback() 2009-10-08
24341 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Add support for multiple points of presence 2010-09-07
24568 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE UnicodeDecodeError raised in CommandPrinter's _print_MSG method 2010-03-12
26849 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Cannot call MSN contacts/receive MSN calls 2014-08-03
27613 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE papyon should crop passwords to 16 characters 2010-08-09
27673 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE papyon: allow receiving gzipped soap requests 2010-04-16
27987 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Email subject is not decoded 2010-08-09
28278 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE No contacts displayed in Empathy, still able to chat 2010-05-29
28525 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE if a window user sets status invisible butterfly assumes he disconnected 2010-09-13
28934 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _signal_text_received() 2010-08-23
33332 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Preview image not set during file transfer 2011-03-30
35818 papyon general lfrb RESO FIXE Bug fixed! Common_errback.. Please merge :) 2011-04-12
29131 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE Support full sync on check pending invite 2010-07-17
29132 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE Implement pending contact signal 2010-07-17
29512 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE Messages aren't sent while a file transfer is running 2010-10-21
29965 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE content roaming get profile picture returns 404 2010-09-13
29967 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE p2pv2 fails when endpoints aren't updated yet 2010-09-13
30411 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects 2010-10-21
31004 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE Since today (18/oct) papyon doesn't connect anymore 2010-10-21
31006 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO INVA messages sent via the msn live webpage delivered only at the beginning of a session 2012-10-12
31528 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE content roaming bugs 2011-08-14
31981 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO NOTA Contacts both on Allow List and Block List: Not Removed 2010-11-29
32101 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE papyon 0.5.3 missing papyon/gnet/ from the released tarball 2010-12-07
32176 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE papyon 0.5.4 installs tests as toplevel python module 2011-08-14
32216 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO INVA video chat improved, but not quite working 2012-10-12
32941 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE ValueError: Wrong host or port number : (, 80) upon login with emesene 2011-08-14
33317 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE 500 Internal Server Error 2011-08-14
35702 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE TLPv1 is broken 2011-04-12
35703 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE Switchboards disappearing 2011-04-13
36655 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE Yet another exception with bad profile and content roaming 2011-08-14
41916 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO NOTO MS ppt loses formatting 2011-11-08
42689 papyon general papyon-bugs RESO FIXE papyon won't connect to Windows Live (MSN) 2011-11-16
16945 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO NOTA telepathy-butterfly crashed with NotImplementedError in _on_error() 2010-06-24
24138 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with TypeError in b64decode() 2010-04-09
24417 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO WORK exception in _sb_message_received 2010-04-16
24663 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE delete contact callback 2010-04-09
26013 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with ParseError in parse() 2010-04-09
26361 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO WONT Remove Gobject from Papyon 2010-04-09
26638 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE Papyon should use python-crypto instead of embeded code 2010-04-09
26804 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE Contacts signed in on the web are shown as offline 2010-03-12
27119 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE Using HTTP connection with bad proxy gets into an infinite loop 2010-04-02
27554 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with gaierror in query() 2010-04-13
27556 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with ValueError in __parse() 2010-04-14
27564 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO INVA telepathy-butterfly crashed with AttributeError in _address_book_state_changed_cb() 2010-08-06
28854 papyon general telepathy-bugs RESO FIXE telepathy-butterfly crashed with KeyError: 'Location' 2010-07-13
87 bugs found.


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