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316 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
56722 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkitd 0.107 failed to start, js error 2018-08-20
6476 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA does not properly check for pam libs 2009-10-21
6555 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO DUPL doesn't check for libpam-devel 2006-06-06
6783 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA PolicyKit doesn't build on solaris due to different getpwuid_r prototype 2009-10-21
7138 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA automatic builds break because of generated documentation conflicts 2009-10-21
7161 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA PolicyKit gives no error message at configure time if xmlto not installed 2009-10-21
7258 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA Conflicts in polkit-spec.html 2009-10-21
7269 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA Patch for a small leak 2009-10-21
7435 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA Changes required to compile against libpolkit-grant 2009-10-21
7626 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA add libpam to dependency check list 2009-10-21
9265 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA libpolkit-grant not linked with libpolkit 2009-10-21
13226 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA passwords with symbols fails to athenticate 2009-10-21
15295 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE format string vulnerability in password input 2008-04-04
17904 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA policykit-0.9 fails to build due to use of undefined _pk_debug function 2009-10-21
18948 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA PolicyKit: incorrect default DBUS configuration 2009-10-21
81784 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTA Several XFCE applications appear unresponsive after communicating with a daemon 2014-08-26
106021 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Polkitd: The utils_spawn_data_free reap timeout subprocess did not work resulting in a large number of zombie processes 2018-08-20
38769 PolicyKi libpolki martin.pitt RESO FIXE pkexec: Support running X11 apps 2011-08-01
63573 PolicyKi daemon mitr RESO FIXE [Patch] Mostly clean up gtk-doc 2013-04-19
51623 PolicyKi daemon peter RESO FIXE graphical applications started with pkexec do not find a X session to connect 2012-12-19
12872 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Polish translation 2008-04-25
13082 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE 0.7_p20071101 Parallel make failures: No rule to make target `../polkit-dbus/', needed by `polkit-read-auth-helper' 2007-11-12
13113 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit install-data-local fails to create directory for PolicyKit.reload 2007-11-12
13436 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA Problem compiling PolicyKit 0.6 2009-10-21
13452 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA Problem compiling PolicyKit 0.6 2009-10-21
13599 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL PolicyKit fails to load .policy files on XFS filesystems 2008-02-26
13742 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA make it harder to spy the password and abuse privileges from PK processes 2009-10-01
13825 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO PolicyKit-gnome: gettext use ngettext macro 2009-10-21
14059 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Finnish translation for PolicyKit-gnome 2008-04-05
14082 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE readdir() can't always determine file type 2008-02-26
14413 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA PolicyKit's is incorrect 2009-10-21
14439 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL Hungarian translation for PolicyKit 2009-10-21
14463 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA Errors while using policykit enabled applications 2009-10-21
14599 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO Authenticate dialog does not say when user/passwords are wrong. 2019-03-06
14600 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA ObtainAuthorization() returns 0 if already authorized. 2009-10-21
15362 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE a11y: impossible to enter password with onscreen keyboard 2008-08-29
16099 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Problem compiling PolicyKit 0.9 2011-02-23
16131 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA polkit-resolve-exe-helper.c #include pam headers that it does not use 2009-10-21
16340 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA Fails to handle sender information not being present in a dbus message gracefully 2009-10-21
16510 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO WORK Create option allow_remote 2010-08-12
16868 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA Crash in polkit_dbus_error_parse_from_strings 2009-10-21
17066 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA [PATCH] Fix strndup implementation in PK 2009-10-21
17167 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE PolicyKit fails to build 2008-08-17
17172 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA git head build fails: 'PolKitPolicyCache' undeclared 2009-10-21
17474 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO libpolkit does not work once inotify limit is reached 2008-09-07
17511 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO PolicyKit hangs if a password expires during the session 2008-09-11
17514 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO User selection combo in polkit-gnome-authorization looks disabled 2008-09-11
17516 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO "Authenticate" button sensitive even when no user is selected 2008-09-11
17517 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO Authentication dialogs should warn if caps lock is on 2008-09-11
17649 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA org.gnome.cpufreqselector resets the cpu frequency governor to Performance, leads to distro update failure. 2008-09-19
17880 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA No need to set up completion for noninteractive shells 2009-10-21
17938 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA polkit-grant-helper: it only makes sense to run polkit-grant-helper as non-root 2009-10-21
17978 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA libpolkit requires config and reload files, and policy dir, to be present 2009-10-21
19469 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA polkit_check_auth does not use real uid as documented 2009-11-04
20060 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WORK configure fails on OpenSolaris due to GNU-specific ld args 2011-02-23
21031 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA deadlock when PAM_TEXT_INFO is used 2009-10-21
21074 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Allow trusted applications to provide details 2009-09-13
21768 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA PolicyKit build fails on OpenSolaris due to lack of clearenv() function. 2009-10-21
22360 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE PolicyKit.conf should support <match group="groupname"> 2009-10-21
22951 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO polkit-0.93 not parallel installable with PolicyKit-0.9 2009-09-25
23093 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Add FreeBSD portability fixes to polkit 2009-08-12
23225 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA Occasionally removes ACL entries from devices 2009-10-21
23236 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Add input checks for public functions 2010-08-09
23411 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO pkexec segfaults 2009-08-25
23481 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL Italian translation for PolicyKit 2009-10-21
23582 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE PK 0.9x does not trim list of exported symbols 2009-09-13
23611 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE build system improvements / cleanups 2009-09-13
23618 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO g_simple_async_result_complete() called from outside main loop 2009-09-13
23673 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL pkexec fails to run X applications 2011-08-01
23674 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE pkexec does not set environment correctly 2009-10-21
23675 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO password dialog not focused under KDE4/kwin 2009-10-21
23867 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE UnixProcess vs. SystemBusName aliasing 2009-09-11
23924 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Crashes in eggdbus on error 2009-11-13
24175 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO DUPL cannot register existing type `_PolkitError' 2009-10-02
24176 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE current git master fails to build, GLIB_LDADD -> GLIB_LIBS 2009-10-21
24197 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE roundtrip breakage with subject serialization 2011-02-23
24198 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE recursing in type registration 2011-08-01
24235 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit-agent-helper may call pam_end with a stale pam handle 2009-10-21
24312 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WORK New policy files are not automatically picked up by a running polkitd 2009-10-21
24495 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE fails to build on platforms without PATH_MAX (like hurd) 2009-10-15
24566 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE properly _ref authority in singleton constructor 2009-10-16
24640 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE typos in pklocalauthority(8) 2009-10-21
24658 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Need to set-up Transifex for translations 2018-08-20
24883 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO WONT Problem compiling PolicyKit 0.9 2011-02-23
25155 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit does not compile without pam 2010-07-02
25367 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Also read local authority configuration data from /etc 2010-01-10
25461 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Can't authenticate after 'passwd -e' has been called 2011-02-23
25594 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE System logging 2010-01-15
25798 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit-backend-1 headers do not reference polkit properly 2010-08-09
25955 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO polkit-gnome-authorization missing 2010-09-07
26071 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Polkit fails to compile with -Wredundant-decls 2011-02-23
26131 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Cannot express "group yes, others no" in pkla file 2018-08-20
26355 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Polish translation for PolicyKit 2015-08-28
26955 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO WORK Problem compiling polkit 0.96 2011-02-23
26956 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA Problem compiling polkit-gnome 0.96 2011-02-23
27019 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO OnlyShowIn=GNOME in polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop should be removed 2010-03-11
27081 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit 0.96: pkexec fails to build on non glibc systems 2011-02-23
27159 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkitd crashes when calling pkcheck on a wrong PID 2010-10-21
27330 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Improper return code checking of getpwnam_r in pkexec, causing segfault 2010-03-26
27411 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE pokitd crash from in strlen() from _dbus_type_writer_write_basic() 2011-02-23
27788 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO Polkit has strange behavior with empty password 2011-02-23
27908 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Add auth_ack{,_keep} actions 2018-08-20
28228 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Regression in 0.96 start-time handling 2011-02-23
28389 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTA API for looking up actions by annotations 2011-02-23
29051 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Configuration reload on every query 2010-07-15
29069 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkitd memory leaks 2010-08-20
29175 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA polkit crash in _egg_dbus_error_encode_gerror 2011-02-23
29394 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Random segfaults from using the gdbus polkit branch 2011-02-23
29586 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL missing install of polkitagentenumtypes.h breaks policykit-gnome build 2011-02-23
29639 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [patch] Use gettext for translating user messages 2018-08-20
29712 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Use monotonic for temporary authorizations 2011-02-23
29739 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO Problem compiling polkit-gnome 0.97 2010-08-22
29816 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Install polkitagentenumtypes.h 2011-02-23
29871 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE 0.98 fails to build with binutils gold 2011-02-23
29936 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Should never show manpage unless requested 2018-08-20
30081 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Build broken with introspection using gobject-introspection from master 2010-09-10
30140 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Build broken with introspection using gobject-introspection from master 2011-02-23
30181 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Rework local authority configuration 2018-08-20
30270 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE No download links for PolicyKit 2011-02-23
30271 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WONT PolicyKit has a hard dependency on gtk-doc, when it should be optional. 2010-09-21
30438 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE PolicyKit fails to build on AIX 2011-02-23
30515 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WORK Race means that client can get no response from agent 2015-03-09
30653 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE No way to detect cancellation in pkexec 2011-02-22
31963 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE fails to build on (k)freebsd : sys/signalfd.h: No such file or directory 2011-02-23
32114 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL Fails to build with gcc 4.5 2011-02-23
32334 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Always set polkit.retains_authorization_after_challenge 2016-05-04
32345 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO polkit fails without glib credentials support 2011-02-23
33184 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO authentication doesn't explicitly ask for the users password 2011-01-26
33504 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE GLib-GObject-WARNING & GLib-CRITICAL 2011-02-23
33607 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkitd keeps mime.cache opened 2011-02-23
35623 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE should special case CAP_SYS_ADMIN on Linux, not uid 0 2018-08-20
35685 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Fix build on GNU Hurd 2013-01-09
36367 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO WORK PolicyKit installation doesn't respect prefix 2011-08-01
36415 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Please ignore .pc/ during POT file building 2011-04-20
36603 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO Undefined symbols _fdatasync 2011-08-01
36710 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO WORK build fails : g-ir-scanner cannot locate 'polkit.h' 2011-08-01
36985 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WORK Polkit does not allow user to connect to networks with networkmanager and mount usb drives 2011-05-08
37019 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO polkit-gnome needs accessibility support 2011-05-09
37963 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO In Gnome 3 prompt for authorization asks for first admin only 2011-06-06
38743 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE PolicyKit incorrectly handles multiline pam prompts 2011-08-01
39315 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Specify exported pkg-config file in GIRs 2011-08-01
40639 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WORK Please implement authentication via fingerprint reader 2011-09-05
40859 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE man: Fix pkaction man page wrt to --action-id option 2013-05-06
41008 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Include sample policies in tarball 2011-12-06
41025 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Add an ‘owner’ user to actions. 2011-10-18
41379 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE logs debug messages to syslog when using systemd 2018-08-20
42170 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WONT Don't require glib-2.30 2012-06-19
43339 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE port policykit to systemd-logind 2012-01-03
43608 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Add unit tests to Policy Kit 2011-12-20
43610 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Add netgroup support to Policy Kit 2011-12-23
43638 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE GLIB check in is for 2.28, but it should be for 2.30 since glib-unix.h is only in 2.30 2012-06-19
43971 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL Support using systemd for session tracking 2012-01-03
44409 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA Error on compile 2012-01-03
44599 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE some jhbuild out-of-tree fixes 2012-01-10
44733 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE install a systemd service file if systemd is used 2012-06-06
45670 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE pkexec doesn't invoke PAM session close hooks 2018-08-20
46569 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Respect SUID_CFLAGS and SUID_LDFLAGS for suid binaries 2013-04-11
48484 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE tests/mocklibc needs autoreconf to be run before jhbuild? 2018-08-20
48623 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE instrospection: compile polkitagent against local polkit-gobject 2018-08-20
49160 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO pkexec broken using systemd 2012-04-26
49707 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL Unable to run graphical applications when using KDM 2012-09-08
50145 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [PATCH] polkit-0.115 fails to build on POSIX platforms (like Linux/musl) due to requiring netgroup support 2018-08-20
50983 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Add enum for polkit results 2012-07-06
51236 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO DUPL spidermonkey 187 1.0.0 is out with "mozjs187.pc" 2013-03-13
51237 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE pkexec fails with ERROR:pkexec.c:138:pam_conversation_function: code should not be reached 2018-08-20
51466 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit-backend-1.pc pkg-config file is installed, but library is missing 2012-07-06
51470 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit configured with ./configure --disable-verbose-mode is too verbose 2012-07-06
51488 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Try harder to look up the right localization 2012-07-06
51617 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTA polkitd and polkit-agent-helper-1 get installed in libprivdir which is not multilib compatible 2012-07-02
53905 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkitd aborts with gnome-shell 2018-08-20
54525 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO DUPL polkit-0.107 fails to build under sufficiently high parallel make; libtool: link: cannot find the library `' ...) 2012-11-22
55377 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE SystemdService line in always present 2018-08-20
55776 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Crash when server_init_sync() fails in polkit-agent 2012-10-09
56370 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkit-0-96: Authz list in wrong order in PolicyKit local authority 2018-08-20
56628 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO polkit 0.107 Brakes PaX support 2013-01-09
57077 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE PolkitAgent-1.0.gir doesn't depend on, breaking make -j 2012-11-22
57146 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Loading of not possible on systems without development files 2012-11-15
57170 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE please change polkit tty agent to exit silently if PK is not around 2018-08-20
57284 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Use auth_admin* instead of auth_self* in examples 2013-05-06
57325 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE lock mutex before trying to unlock it 2013-01-09
58787 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE recommendations for directory ownership are incorrect 2018-08-20
58869 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Cleanup generated introspection files on "make clean" 2013-01-09
58891 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE refuses all actions if user is member of a large number of groups 2018-08-20
59091 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Build with automake-1.13 broken 2013-04-10
59709 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE pkexec's internal agent is racy 2018-08-20
59781 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Update types for esr17/js188 spidermonkey engine 2013-04-11
59830 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE These are the changes required to build against spidermonkey esr17/js188. 2013-04-23
60103 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Add API to query if the calling user can authenticate 2018-08-20
60122 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WONT Add support for rules in Lua 2018-04-02
60847 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE pkexec fails under gnome-shell 2014-02-09
61127 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Improve configure check for systemd 2013-04-11
62016 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE pkexec does not apply PAM's environment 2013-04-11
62220 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit-0.110 (+ git) fails to compile because of missing #include <sys/wait.h> for WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS, ... 2013-04-21
63440 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] configure: Specify GLib min/max version 2013-04-12
63445 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit fails to build (using jhbuild) b/c "system does not appear to use systemd" 2013-04-23
63479 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [Patch] Fix build with srcdir != builddir 2013-04-15
63492 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [Patch] Fix various memory leaks 2013-04-15
63504 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [patch] detect logind and fall back to ConsoleKit at runtime 2018-08-20
63575 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [Patch] Fix handling of non-string values coming from rules code 2013-05-06
63961 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE RFE: Allow for generic "subject" kinds with arbitrary metadata attributes 2018-08-20
64063 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO Errors in rule files are handled (too?) permissively 2013-04-29
64197 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit 0.111 release 2013-05-15
64267 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE pkttyagent --system-bus-name has broken 2018-08-20
64336 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [Patch] Fix coverity warnings 2013-05-07
64551 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Internationalize polkit? 2018-08-20
65130 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Race condition in GObject interface type registration 2013-05-29
65313 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [Patch] Add Czech translation 2013-06-04
65681 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE pkexec calls g_setenv() after possibly creating threads 2018-08-20
66160 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Manpages don't describe how to access action "detail" values in polkit JS authority 2018-08-20
67728 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE allow_active/inactive match against the active session not the active user 2016-10-18
69501 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Crash while handling many authz checks 2015-07-02
69538 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Post-CVE-2013-4288 cleanups 2013-11-12
69980 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Misleading RegisterAuthenticationAgent documentation 2018-08-20
71458 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE polkitbackendsessionmonitor.c does not compile 2013-11-12
71894 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] pkexec: Work around systemd injecting broken XDG_RUNTIME_DIR 2013-11-22
72426 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [Patch] Fix a memory leak 2013-12-09
73821 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE [patch] Fail to build polkit on FreeBSD 2018-08-20
74592 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Port to mozjs24 2017-02-09
74933 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] pkexec: Support just plain "pkexec" to run shell 2014-02-18
75187 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patches] add support for OpenBSD 2015-07-20
75267 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO Password remains on shell prompt when password dialog times out 2015-09-06
76358 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Please use sd_uid_get_state() to make security decisions, not sd_pid_get_session() 2015-06-03
77167 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Fix problem with removing non-existent source 2014-04-22
77370 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO Default authentication window size is too wide and really short 2014-06-30
77524 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE "Terminating runaway script" even when script finishes immediately 2015-07-02
78193 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE polkitagent: No double warnings in polkit_agent_listener_register() 2018-04-03
78425 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Use of getpwuid() is not thread safe. 2018-08-20
78905 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE systemd: support for D-Bus "user bus" model (patch) 2014-06-03
80767 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patches] Warning cleanups 2015-06-08
80921 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Don’t prohibit applications from including authorization rules 2018-08-20
81652 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE pkexec does not find any authentication agent 2018-08-20
83093 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] pkexec parameter parsing memory leak 2014-08-27
83164 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE If a permission depends on group membership, polkit should explicitly check if calling user is a member of that group as well as trying to find all members of the group 2018-08-20
83236 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE use 2018-08-20
83590 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE ** WARNING **: Unknown action_id '<random string>' 2015-07-02
83775 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Root password not accepted by GNOME 3 prompt 2018-08-20
85115 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTA Polkit 0.112-2.1 authentication agent fails 2014-10-18
85504 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] Ignore build cruft 2015-06-05
85506 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO DUPL Memory leak in libpolkitagent 2017-02-09
85595 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE [PATCH] trivial: fix deprecated indication for polkit_agent_register_listener() 2018-08-20
85758 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Cannot authorize as password-less user 2018-08-20
86121 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Provide a polkit_authority_check_authorization() alternative with fallback 2018-08-20
86813 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] Does not build against unified libsystemd0 2015-03-31
87716 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] tests: buffer overwrite 2018-04-03
88288 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Memory leak in EnumerateActions call results handler (polkit_authority_enumerate_actions_finish) 2015-01-13
88420 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Invalid output when using special chars inside .policy files 2018-08-20
88492 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO INVA When combined with pam_ldap, policykit GUI components fail. 2015-01-16
90829 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE CVE-2015-3218: backend: Handle invalid object paths in RegisterAuthenticationAgent 2015-06-03
90832 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] authority: Avoid cookie wrapping by using u64 counter 2015-06-17
90837 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE 0001-CVE-XXX-XXXX-Bind-use-of-cookies-to-specific-uids.patch 2019-02-05
90877 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] Fix duplicate GError use when "uid" is missing in PolkitSubject 2015-06-08
90879 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] Fix a crash when two authentication requests are in flight. 2015-06-08
90900 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [PATCH] two compiler flag patches 2018-08-20
91198 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [Patch] Update go keep up with GLib 2018-08-20
91575 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE NameOwnerChanged signal matches should be specific 2018-08-20
91942 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE simple typo in a different rule causes everything else to fail 2018-08-20
92046 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] Add support for NetBSD 2015-10-01
92094 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA [PATCH] Do not hardcode libdir 2015-10-15
92276 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Unequal framing of text in important authentication dialog (patch inside) 2015-10-04
92321 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] Add Brazilian Portuguese translation 2015-10-06
92566 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Typos in pkcheck man file 2015-10-21
92581 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Translation clarification for string 2018-04-03
92886 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE PolkitAgentSession incorrectly handles multiline PAM_TEXT_INFO output 2015-11-18
92960 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Add Ukrainian translation 2015-11-16
93000 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Updated German translation 2015-11-18
93028 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Swedish polkit translation 2015-11-21
93062 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Add zh_CN translation 2016-01-25
93066 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkitd fails to start due to Timeout 2015-11-24
93830 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [patch] Add Hungarian translation 2016-01-25
93991 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE traps: polkitd[785] general protection ip:7f8c2f0bcca2 sp:7fffa0607190 error:0 in 2016-02-29
94269 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Random cookie generation not cryptographically secure 2018-08-20
94486 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Access after free during polkitagentlistener shutdown 2016-03-12
94506 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Fix a memory leak of PolkitAgentListener's Server object 2017-02-09
94670 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE polkitbackend: Fix error reporting when loading a config file 2016-03-29
94956 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Add Turkish translation for polkit 2016-04-15
95065 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE polkit: Add g_autoptr() support for GObject-derived polkit types 2016-05-09
95342 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE print_indent prototype missing from header 2018-08-20
95487 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE data: Set GIO_USE_VFS=local in the .service file environment 2016-06-06
95513 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Fix a race condition when terminating runaway_killer_thread 2018-04-03
96263 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO NOTO gnome-disk-image-mounter: Not authorized to perform operation 2016-06-03
96940 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE add gettext support for policy files 2016-07-18
96977 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE dbus-user-session enabled sessions hit "Unable to determine the session we are in" error 2018-04-03
97238 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Slovak(SK) translation of polkit 2016-08-09
97342 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Enable structured logging output 2018-08-20
97445 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE pkexec fails with "GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie" 2018-08-20
98366 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Default to "no" for translations 2016-11-08
98688 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE [PATCH] Add support for elogind session tracker to PolicyKit 2018-04-12
99249 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkit uses a lot of cpu with hardened kernel 2018-08-20
99374 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE should recognize configuration files in /usr/local/share/polkit-1 2018-08-20
99580 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Update COPYING to current version 2018-08-20
99626 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Multiple memory leaks in options parsing in pkcheck.c 2018-08-20
99741 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Audit and fix GVariant reference counting 2018-04-03
99790 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Added Indonesian translation 2017-02-13
100054 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE sys-auth/polkit-0.113-r2::gentoo segfault and error 4 in when enabled PAX_NOEXEC(linux hardened) 2018-08-20
100764 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Croatian translation 2017-04-24
102492 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE Add Chinese (Taiwan) translation to polkit 2017-09-04
103144 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Typo in polkit manpage 2017-10-09
103483 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO NOTO F26 server - wget - p11-kit/OpenSC - pcsc-lite/pcscd - polkit 2017-10-27
104970 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkit.its and polkit.loc files are not packaged in tarballs 2018-08-20
105209 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Port to meson build system 2018-08-20
105865 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO FIXE Port JavaScript authority to mozjs52 2018-04-03
105989 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE [PATCH] configure: fix elogind support 2018-08-20
106314 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE "SpiderMonkey was configured with --enable-debug, so DEBUG must be defined when including /usr/local/include/mozjs-52/js-config.h 2018-08-20
106412 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Misleading polkit_agent_listener_initiate_authentication_finish documentation 2018-08-20
106414 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Use GTask API 2018-08-20
106415 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Add Vala binding generation 2018-08-20
106416 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE Fix some constructor annotations 2018-08-20
106653 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkit has deprecated declarations, missing IDs, unused results 2018-08-20
106868 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE polkit_authority_check_authorization: assertion 2018-08-20
107083 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WONT The accessibility machinery needs the GTK_MODULES environment variable to be whitelisted by pkexec 2018-07-02
107436 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO INVA regression in CVE-2018-1116 fix: brltty gets "process with PID xxx has been replaced" 2018-08-01
107532 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO MOVE 'nmcli radio wifi' flooding syslog 2018-08-20
26982 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE pkexec information disclosure vulnerability 2010-03-10
27253 PolicyKi libpolki zeuthen RESO FIXE use GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK from gobject-introspection 2011-02-23
61283 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO MOVE Don't start the daemon as root 2018-08-20
96713 PolicyKi daemon zeuthen RESO WONT pkexec forwards too few environment variables 2018-03-29
316 bugs found.


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