Tue Jan 28 2025 22:25:56 UTC
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207 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
7223 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Subscripts and superscripts are too high/low 2016-10-25
7224 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- [hinting] Misplaced accents in small sizes 2016-04-08
7225 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- [kerning] Too much space after "o" 2007-04-03
7226 DejaVu Experime dejavu-bugs NEW --- Sans Condensed not recognized as installable on eComStation 2013-03-15
7227 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Some fonts not recognized by some OS X applications 2007-11-21
7468 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- There is no Serif Mono font 2013-03-15
7469 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu needs a semi-bold weight 2007-07-09
7487 DejaVu Experime dejavu-bugs NEW --- should Condensed be Semi-condensed 2012-08-07
7607 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Unicode 5.0.0 Support 2010-10-13
7883 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Accents invisible on some capital letters except at extreme sizes 2013-03-16
9009 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- combined accents should be looser 2013-03-15
9086 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Intersecting contours in Serif Regular 2007-03-09
9087 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Intersecting contours in Mono Regular 2007-03-09
9088 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Intersecting contours in Sans Regular 2007-03-09
9090 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Subfamily name not matching standard 2013-03-15
9125 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Issues reported by MS font validator 2019-07-28
14316 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Box Glyphs : bad height AND Shades with square pixels 2010-10-30
19485 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Crashes Illustrator CS3 2009-10-08
25180 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Sans causes printing failure (printer spooler hangs after printing) 2009-11-19
43760 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- sometimes Cannot see '_'(underscore) 2014-03-05
97164 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Provide power symbols 2019-01-24
11135 DejaVu Sans bugs+behnam NEW --- Add Persian (Iranian, Afghan, etc) glyphs to DejaVu Sans 2007-09-24
7942 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- [hinting] The hyphen (U+002D) is one px too low at pixelsize=14 2013-03-26
7944 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- [hinting] At pixelsize=15 the dot in \zero is too big 2007-03-09
9010 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- [kerning] Vietnamese o with hook lacks right bearing 2007-03-09
9460 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Soft_Dotted small-sized letters should work 2007-09-24
9504 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu should add OpenType 'rtla' feature 2007-06-04
9923 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- All glyphs displayed as missing in some Microsoft Office apps 2009-09-11
10134 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add characters for Medieval font compatibility (MUFI) 2013-03-26
10319 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Java does not display correctly some glyphs 2007-04-11
10453 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- [Kurdish] "v" in Lam with small "v" (U+06b5) should be in the middle of the letter 2007-04-09
10611 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- MaxAdvance property 2007-04-11
10676 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Parenthesis not symmetrical at 8pt 2007-04-19
10680 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu LGC Mono Sans should be renamed to DejaVu Mono Sans 2007-04-19
10764 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Outdated glyph for U+0264 2017-08-03
11129 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add Chinese character U+b7e8 'gen1' 2007-09-24
11419 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add Khmer characters U+1780-17DD, 17E0-17E9, 17F0-17F9 2012-07-14
11433 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Create condensed Mono Sans (suitable for books) 2007-09-24
11502 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- [hinting] Cyrillic in Serif 2007-09-26
12150 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Request Double-Hyphen Sign 2007-08-25
12550 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Addition of combining left/right arrowhead-above glyphs 2007-09-24
12901 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- phonorecord copyright symbol U+2117 not hinted as well as regular copyright symbol U+00A9 2007-12-14
13666 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Version Is Redundant 2007-12-15
14021 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Some glyphs should not be marked as ligatures 2008-04-17
15272 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+010F looks like U+0064 when followed by space 2008-03-30
16081 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Missing attachment points for N'ko numbers U+07C0...U+07C9 2008-05-23
16276 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- REQUEST: Enclosed Alphanumerics 2008-06-08
16771 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add OpenType Small Capital Letters 2012-07-25
17402 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+0394 and U+039B in Sans Bold print incorrectly. 2008-09-01
18577 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu Sans ExtraLight (v2.27) does not validate on OSX 2014-02-03
18614 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Mono Sans: accent with Russian letters causes letters collapsing 2013-12-04
19045 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- GPOS mark lookups incomplete 2008-12-12
19374 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+005F LOW LINE "_" should have smaller width than advance width 2009-02-01
19596 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- monograms and digrams (U+268A..268F) not center-aligned 2009-02-01
19599 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+2023 and U+25B8 should look the same 2009-01-15
19755 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+10FB (Georgian para. sep.) should be mirror of U+2056 (3-dot punc.) 2009-02-01
19826 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu Sans Mono Bold & Oblique have corrupt GSUB tales 2009-02-01
20589 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- [kerning] with ClearType on, "Wo" too close in 7-10pt Sans, Sans Condensed 2009-03-10
20611 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Cursive overlap too small 2009-03-13
20777 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add U+1EDF Latin Small Letter O With Horn And Hook Above 2009-03-20
20968 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Cyrillic DejaVu Sans Glyphs can not be rasterized with ghostscript 2009-03-31
21088 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Sans glyph of 'cyrillic small letter yeru' is too wide 2009-04-07
21142 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- angleleft and angleright are missing 2009-04-12
21222 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Request for U+06BE ARABIC LETTER HEH DOACHASHMEE 2010-01-13
21511 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Publish a CSS stylesheet declaring the DejaVu fonts using @font-face 2009-05-01
21757 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- printing DejaVu Sans with Acrobat results in scrumbled PDF 2009-05-15
22168 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Circumflex blow some glyphs rendered incorrectly 2009-06-09
22268 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- [RFE] Add Phœnician support 2009-06-13
22393 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Make the font naming WWS-clean 2009-06-21
22421 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please merge thai from thaifonts-arundina 2009-06-22
22422 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Make double diacritics stack properly over capital letters 2009-06-22
22423 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please merge Apple Menlo fixes into Mono 2009-06-22
22424 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add new Vera/dejavu derivatives to the fontconfig aliasing 2009-06-22
22651 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- No hinting for super and subscript numbers 5-9,0 2009-07-07
22898 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Incorrect rendering of U+0130 with Sans Bold 8 2009-07-22
23327 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Bold Cyrillic serif hinting is rather bad 2009-12-12
23328 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Exclamation mark looks bold even though it isn't at size 11 (96 dpi) 2009-12-12
24062 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Sans causes HP printing failure 2009-11-19
24448 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- R character looks odd 2009-10-10
24498 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Print problem for uni03B7 on AcrobatDistiller XPS Problem 2009-10-13
24515 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Kerning overdone for pairs T?, V?, R?, Y? and W? 2009-10-19
24855 DejaVu Experime dejavu-bugs NEW --- Text figures as a variant or as allographs 2014-05-29
25110 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- please add all palatal + retroflex hooks in 4.1 2009-11-28
25811 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Automatic release on CTAN for inclusion in TeX Live 2009-12-28
26068 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add glyph for non-standard Th, ct, st ligatures 2015-08-04
26082 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- [hinting] dot in "y." is to close, 12pt sans 2010-01-17
26882 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+FB00 - U+FB04 issues with strong hinting 2010-03-04
26940 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Stacked diacritics don't stack 2016-07-22
26941 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- stacked diacritics cause bizarre overstrikes in Sans Mono 2010-07-21
27975 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+032C and U+032D are drawn too low in DejaVu Sans 2010-05-04
28324 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Serif Italic is too heavy or too tall 2010-05-31
29104 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Improve glyph for uni20AF »₯« [DRACHMA SIGN] 2010-07-16
30121 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- most glyphs between 22B0 and 22D9 are missing 2010-09-10
31977 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- support emoticons (1F600–1F64F) 2010-11-29
33647 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Kerning is broken at size 20 2011-01-28
34161 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu Sans has strange behavior due printing 2011-03-01
34841 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Problem with printing to PDF 2011-03-02
35893 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Wrench (U+1F527) unimplemented 2011-04-01
37335 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Missing glyphs 2011-05-18
40371 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+2261 looks weird at most font sizes 2011-08-25
40444 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Need more monkey faces in my DejaVu Sans Mono. 2013-09-03
40906 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Request for U+A742 and U+A742 2013-01-05
41584 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Additional kerning pairs for Greek 2011-10-08
42321 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Some greek letters seem to be hinted badly in DejaVu Serif 2011-10-27
42485 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Sans Bold: Hebrew diacriticals/niqqud: ו (Vav) and י (Yod) vowel placement 2011-11-01
44624 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Incorrect height (ascent and descent) for font 2012-01-10
47235 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- IPA-character stops creation of pdf-file. 2012-03-12
47339 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- ISO 15919 transliteration of Indic vocalic R/RR/L/LL not displayed properly in DejaVu fonts 2012-03-15
47366 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Cyrillic bold symbols from DejaVu font are rendered ugly 2012-03-15
48497 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Arabic vowel diacritics do not combine properly on OS X in Sans Mono 2012-04-10
49884 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Arabic Word Allah الله 2012-05-13
55281 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Incorrect rendering c with cedilla in version 2.33 2012-09-24
56623 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Hebrew letter QOF improperly rendered in Chrome 2012-10-31
56930 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Mono Sans Bold lacks line drawing characters 2012-11-09
58444 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Request for control characters U+240?, especially U+240A and U+240D 2012-12-18
59502 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Fonts stopped wo 2014-06-24
59554 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Accents over capital ezh are ugly (serif) 2013-01-19
59555 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Accents over capital ezh are ugly (sans) 2013-01-19
59557 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Accents over capital ezh are ugly (mono) 2013-01-19
59563 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Replace dotted zero with slashed zero 2013-01-19
60932 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Dot, Comma, Colon and Semicolon in small size look poor in DejaVu Sans Bold 2015-10-08
63643 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- 96 dots font sprinting landscape not working 2013-04-17
68899 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Missing Codepoints from DejaVu Serif. 2013-09-03
68900 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Inconsistent rendering in DejaVu Sans Mono. 2013-09-03
69237 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu Sans Mono Enhancement Request: Modification needed for "1" character 2015-04-20
72336 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add house (U+1F3E0) and other Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs 2013-12-05
73564 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- en dash & em have same width 2014-01-13
75108 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Script Small E (U+212F) 2014-02-17
76373 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Missing codepoints U+22C0 and U+22C1 in DejaVu Sans Mono 2016-09-02
77450 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Looptail G not available for U+011E/F 2014-04-14
78975 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Addition of the DOUBLE SHARP glyph 2014-05-20
79388 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- [hinting] Fuzzy letters and curves not smooth in some sizes 2014-05-29
80239 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add Miscellaneous Symbol: SOCCER BALL (26BD) 2014-06-19
82344 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Some combining accents act as spacing in the mono font 2014-08-09
85574 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- ffi ligature not auto-substituted 2018-08-22
86500 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Sans Mono Condensed 2014-11-20
89281 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Characters in Lao font (Laos, lo) are misplaced under certain conditions 2015-02-23
90359 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Subscript i (U+1D62) looks like a subscript 1 at size 12 or less 2015-05-07
90604 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+010D (č / C with caron) in Deja Vu Sans Mono "Book" has displaced caron 2015-05-23
91541 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please support the ℡ symbol 2015-08-04
91552 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please support english pre‐composed usual ligatures 2015-08-04
91553 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please support the current standard set of ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘɪᴛᴀʟꜱ letters. 2015-08-04
91554 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please improve script letters 2015-08-04
92785 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Official site point to Subvertion repository 2015-11-03
93619 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- At size 19 (15x30 pixels) m, n, u are shifted one pixel to the left 2016-01-06
93897 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- TWO DOT LEADER 2016-01-28
94328 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Alternate glyph ſ 2016-02-29
95039 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Several mark positions failed for romanizations of Chinese dialects 2016-05-10
95174 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Missing codepoints U+2113, U+2983 and U+2984 in DejaVu Sans Mono 2016-04-29
96232 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- new glyph 2016-05-26
96502 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Dots on U+06BA ARABIC LETTER NOON GHUNNA 2016-06-13
96503 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Dots on U+06BD ARABIC LETTER NOON WITH THREE DOTS ABOVE 2016-06-13
96893 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Invisible underscore if font size is float 2016-07-11
97126 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Cyrillic not full 2016-07-29
97497 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- U+033B COMBINING SQUARE BELOW should be a rectangle 2016-10-31
97574 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please, add U+2216 (set minus) to Mono 2016-09-02
97841 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Incorrect character width for vertical and diagonal ellipses in Monospace 2016-09-17
97955 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Wrong character for U+27BF 2017-11-12
97963 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please add "powerline" glyphs 2016-09-28
97964 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Please add a DejaVU Sans Mono variant with programming ligatures 2017-01-23
98171 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Cannot use Mac italicize shortcut in RTF textfields 2016-10-09
98710 DejaVu Serif dejavu-bugs NEW --- Swapped U+25D2 and U+25D3 2016-11-13
98711 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Invisible interlinear annotation characters 2016-11-13
99818 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Lack of curvature in tilde symbol ('~') 2017-02-15
99925 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Missing codepoint U+22BB in DejaVu Sans Mono 2017-02-26
100140 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add the signs 2E17 (Double Oblique Hyphen), 2329 and 232A (Left- and Right-pointing Angle Bracket) 2017-03-09
100191 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Provide copyleft symbol (U+1F12F) 2018-08-02
100893 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- P in 9pt/12px Sans Condensed 2017-04-30
101317 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- DejaVu homepage full of dead links 2017-11-12
102541 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Github repository is unnecessarily huge 2017-09-05
103836 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Some glyphs have invalid bytecode 2017-11-21
106488 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Incorrect localized lowercase Cyrillic BE for Macedonian and Serbian language 2018-07-19
106890 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Some glyphs of the phonetic notations in the International Phonetic Alphabet are not designed correctly 2018-06-12
107480 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- The upper i (U+0049) should have serifs so as not to be confused with lower l (U+006C) in all Sans fonts 2018-08-04
108978 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- dejavu: add a configure option to disable emoji fonts optionally 2018-12-08
109447 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- In polish version of the font letters D and Ł are too close to each other to be readable 2019-01-24
7222 DejaVu Experime dejavu-bugs NEW --- Bad kerning in experimental typefaces 2013-03-26
9440 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Add tiny version of diacritics 2007-09-24
14519 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Testing screenshot not identical to real text redndering 2008-06-17
14907 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEW --- Crashes Photoshop CS3 2010-10-20
91567 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEW --- Accent imbalance on Vietnamese glyphs 2015-08-05
94963 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEW --- Lost point in the u (U+0075) symbol 2016-04-16
7450 DejaVu Sans moyogo ASSI --- [kerning] "Te", "To", "Tc" etc. are too close 2014-04-07
8052 DejaVu General moyogo ASSI --- Arabic glyphs in LGC fonts 2.9 2013-03-15
9029 DejaVu General moyogo ASSI --- diacritics below are cut-off 2013-03-15
9092 DejaVu General moyogo ASSI --- maxComponentDepth value in maxp table is incorrect in fonts 2013-03-15
10452 DejaVu Sans bl.bugs ASSI --- [Kurdish] Incorrect ligature between Lam with v and Alif (U+06b5 and U+0627) 2008-03-29
12103 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs ASSI --- Legibility of DejaVuSans π U+03C0 ("Greek small letter pi") 2007-08-27
12455 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs ASSI --- Extend Mono range to cover Vietnamese 2017-04-21
14295 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs ASSI --- Hebrew Sans bold is unnaturally wide 2008-03-25
15669 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs ASSI --- IPA tone letters should combine with each other (GSUB?) 2015-04-03
28409 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs ASSI --- Marriage symbol too condensed, hardly legible 2010-08-31
89393 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs ASSI --- Lack of kerning between r and n in DejaVu Sans Oblique 2016-09-19
8302 DejaVu General johnkarp ASSI --- Add complete coverage of ISO/IEC 9995-7:1994(E/F) symbols 2009-11-27
9038 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs REOP --- Equivalent Unicode sequences rendered differently with DejaVu 2012-03-15
107496 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs REOP --- Old Hungarian letters and its req. missing 2019-02-28
8725 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs REOP --- Cyrillic character 'm' entered on Mac does not appear on Windows 2008-01-11
10366 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs REOP --- EM DASH (U+2014) should be shorter than HORIZONTAL BAR (U+2015) 2008-06-29
10693 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs REOP --- Underscores ("_") not displaying in Rxvt with Cygwin 2015-04-20
11429 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs REOP --- NO kerning pairs in Sans/Sans Condensed 2008-01-11
17200 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs REOP --- tilde '~' becomes a straight line at small font sizes 2008-10-22
8420 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs REOP --- Please add Khmer Signs Phnaek Muan and Koomuut (17D9-17DA) 2012-07-14
41010 DejaVu Sans dejavu-bugs NEED --- U+0161 (š / S with Caron) in Deja Vu Sans Bold & Condensed Bold 2011-11-08
42163 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEED --- Optional Serbian localized glyph 2014-04-14
42627 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEED --- Shape of U+0472/U+0473 wrong 2011-11-25
60941 DejaVu Mono San dejavu-bugs NEED --- cyrillic_shcha and cyrillic_sha looks equal with dejavu sans mono:style=book:size=10 and grayscale antialiasing 2015-04-20
92155 DejaVu General dejavu-bugs NEED --- Dejavu rendering bug 2016-01-27
207 bugs found.


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